Puzzle Pieces

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You groaned and rolled over on your side, pulling the covers up towards you. You could feel the sun land on your face, and you wrinkled your nose and turned the other way.

Why is the sun hitting my face, my window shouldn't be able to reach me... You groaned inwardly and pulled the covers over your face.

Suddenly you froze as you let go of them and opened your eyes. It wasn't your blanket. You shot up out of bed, your heart pounding as you looked around.

You were in a bedroom with light grey walls and a white carpet floor. You stood next to a white bed with a black comforter with a white nightstand on the left side of it. The far-right wall was completely made of glass and the wall in front of you had a black vanity. There was a door in the left corner of the room.

"Where am I?" You whispered to yourself as you hesitantly made your way to the wall of glass. Looking outside you could see that you were high up in a building and you furrowed your brow, turning to look back around the room.

You made your way over to the door and tried to think back to last night.

I was with Elijah, Vincent, and Xander...and then I left...

Your hand rested on the doorknob as you narrowed your eyes. Something else happened.

Think (Y/n)...What else happened.

Your eyes widened slightly.

Pills...Xander gave me pills and I got dizzy in the lobby.

Your grip on the knob tightened.

Did he purposefully drug me or did I just have a bad reaction to the medicine?

You glanced around the room as if the answer would be written there. Sighing and turning back to the door you looked at it for a few moments before turning the handle. You wouldn't get answers by staying there.

You opened the door and your eyes widened. Someone stood in the doorway, their hand raised as if they were going to knock. You stepped back slightly at who it was.

"(Y/n)..." Sean's eyes widened, "I-...Sorry I was coming to talk to you and then you opened your door and..."

You took another small step back, "What do you want? I don't want to talk to you."

His eyes filled with regret, "(Y/n), please. If we can just talk-"

"Sean you've caused so much drama that I really don't want to." You grabbed the door and started to shut it.

"(Y/n), please." He stopped the door and looked at you pleadingly, "I need to tell you things, but you didn't want me around you yesterday. It drove me crazy to think that you got hurt and I couldn't come to see you...but you didn't want me around, so I stayed as far away as possible."

You folded your arms over your chest, "You were the cause of everything."

His eyes fluttered closed for a few seconds before he whispered, "I know...I know." His green eyes met your (e/c) ones, "Is there anything you wish you could take back? Something you want to change with all your heart because you know you made a mistake and you don't want it to happen again?"

Your mind immediately thought to going to the park. You slowly nodded.

"That's this for me. If I could take back everything I would. I'd sell my soul just to see you happy and healthy." Sean rested his head on the doorframe, "I regret it. I'm sorry (Y/n). I didn't know someone was nearby, I didn't know Layken would react that way...I..."

Your expression softened and you slowly realized something, "Sean..."

He glanced up at you, "Yeah?"

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