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The hallway was silent as you walked down it, only the faint ticking of a clock reached your ears. Sighing, you looked at the door in front of you, pressing your ear against it to hear if there were any voices coming from inside. There wasn't anything.

Raising your hand, you lightly knocked on the door and waited a few seconds, your heart pounding. You rocked back and forth on your heels in anticipation, waiting for the door to open.

Slowly, the handle turned and the door swung open to reveal a tired-looking Gabriel. He raised an eyebrow when he realized you were the one who knocked.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He glanced around the hallway as if expecting to see someone else.

You laughed nervously, "Can we talk?"

He nodded and moved aside so you could come in. Glancing behind you one more time, you stepped inside and relaxed, the tension leaving your body.

The door shut softly behind him with a click and he crossed his arms, looking at you, "What did you want to talk about?"

You glanced around the room. It was pretty basic in design with a red and black color scheme. A singular bed sat in the middle of the room with two night stands on either side. An entire wall was made of glass that looked out into the forest. The other wall had a door that you assumed lead to the closet and bathroom, and a few chairs were situated around the room.

"I..." You trailed off, looking at him. A million words were running through your mind. "I want to leave." You finally said.

His eyes widened slightly as he walked over towards one of two chairs that were facing each other, "Leave here?"

"Leave the boys." You said firmly as you sat down in the other chair, "I was hoping you and Gale might be able to help me..."

Gabriel glanced outside the window, quiet for a few seconds, "Do you know how hard that's going to be?"

"Yes, but I was hoping we could use the chaos of us having to leave this house to our advantage." You watched his face but he showed no emotion.

He sighed, "Let me call Gale up here and we can talk about this."

You watched as he got up and walked over to a phone hanging on the wall. Picking it up, he dialed something and then began speaking to whoever picked up.

Your eye's widened as something came to mind. What if...

Gabriel glanced at you before resuming the conversation for a few more seconds. He then hung up the phone and turned towards you, "He'll be up in a minute."

You folded your hands in your lap, "Okay." You glanced at him a few times, wondering if you should ask him what you wanted to ask.

"Gabriel..." You trailed off.

"Yes?" He looked at you with curiosity.

"I... Well, um..." You looked down at the floor, "Could I use your phone? Your personal phone?"

It was quiet for a few moments and you fearfully looked up expecting to see his angry face, but instead you saw him searching his pockets for it.

"Why do you need it?" He asked, finally finding it and holding it out to you.

"My father.... The last time I called him was when I was at my friends house and Elijah hacked the line. He sent out things about me being missing. I want to call him to tell him i'm alive and somewhat okay."

He nodded understandingly, "I do remember him sending a few posts out about you."

There was a knock at the door that made both of you jump. Sharing a look, Gabriel walked towards the door.

"Gabriel, honey, are you in there? I brought you some breakfast since I know you weren't feeling too well this morning." Josephine's voice said from the other side of the door.

Gabriel looked at you with panic-filled eyes, "You need to hide, right now." His voice came out in a harsh whisper.

You shot up from your chair and looked around wildly for a place to hide. Gabriel pushed you towards the bed and you crouched down, sliding under it just as she opened the door.

"Dear whats wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." She commented as she came into the room. You watched as her white heels came towards Gabriels black dress shoes.

"I just had another bad dream, that's all." He said as he moved away from the bed.

"You seem to be having a lot of those lately." She commented, walking towards the side of the bed. The sound of a plate being set down on a table reached your ears.

"I've just been under a lot of stress lately." He sighed as he sat down in a chair.

"I know, that (Y/n) girl is putting me under a lot of stress too. She just won't cooperate. I can see that poor Sean is trying his best, but you can only do so much with an untrained dog."

You curled your hands into fists and silently cursed Josephine, wishing you could come out and give her a piece of your mind.

Gabriel didn't answer and you watched as she walked back towards the door.

"Well, you eat something. I'm going to call the directors and tell them that we'll be back to the set in a few days." She said. The door opened and just like that she was gone.

You waited as you watched Gabriel walk to the door. Only assuming he was listening for Josephine, you stayed still and waited for him to tell you to come out.

After what felt like an eternity you heard him call your name. Crawling out from under the bed, you looked at him with relieved eyes.

"That was way too close." He commented as he sank back into his chair.

"I'm sorry Mr. Roe, I didn't mean for that kind of thing to happen." You murmured as you glanced at the door.

"She seems to have the worst timing." He sighed.

Another knock came at the door and both of you stared at it fearfully.

"Master Roe?" a voice asked and Gabriel stood up to open the door.

Gale came into the room with a face of confusion until his eyes landed on you.

"Hello (Y/n), I didn't expect to see you here." He said with a soft smile.

"She's the reason I brought you up here." Gabriel explained as he sat back down. Gale stood to the side of you two.

"What do you and (Y/n) need with me?" His green eyes looked to you in curiosity.

You gave him a shaky smile, "I need an escape plan." 

A/N: Im back babyyyyy

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