Pool Time

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You silently trailed behind the group of boys as they walked down the hall towards the pool. One of them would glance back occasionally to make sure you were still following, but they surprisingly gave you your space.

You had the impression that someone was watching you, someone other than the five crazy guys standing in front of you, but no one was in the halls.

"-n)...(Y/n)? Come back to Earth." Someone said and you blinked slowly, letting your thoughts fade away. Xander stood in front of you with a concerned expression. "Are you feeling alright?"

You blinked again and quickly shook your head, "Sorry, I was just lost in thought. I'm fine."

He nodded and then turned away. You glanced around the hall again before continuing to walk.

"Where are you going?" Mason asked.

"To the pool?" You said with a confused face.

Sean gestured at a glass door they had stopped in front of. Your face went red in embarrassment, "Oh."

Elijah laughed and pushed the door open, "Its okay. You haven't been here long, so you wouldn't know where everything is."

You nodded, and stepped into the room, the boys following.

The humidity immediately hit you. There was a faint hum of some sort of machine, but you couldn't see it. 

The pool was amazing. It was about half the size of an Olympic one with white marble around the sides of it. The shape itself was weird, with it being like a rectangle at the end you were at, but branched out into a semi-circle at the other end. A few poolside chairs and a couch sat at the end you had entered and on the far end was another couch. On the left side of the pool was a fancy stone structure with a waterfall flowing down into the water. The right side of the room's wall kept up with the common theme of complete glass and you had a view of the gardens.

"What do you think?" Sean asked, smiling proudly.

"Very extra." You commented as you walked over to one of the chairs and sat down.

"Everything about Sean's house is extra." Mason said with a laugh as he sat down in the chair beside you.

You glanced at Mason and stood up, shuffling to the edge of the pool, "How deep does it go?"

"This end starts at 3 feet and the far end goes to 13. The bottom naturally slopes down." Sean said as he set a towel down on the back end of a chair.

You nodded, peering down at the bottom. You could see lights lining the sides and even some on the floor itself.

What kind of bougie-looking-


You turned around to see Vincent standing behind you. "What?"

"Are you going to get in?"

"Um..." You glanced back at the water.

He moved you to the side and jumped in, the water splashing you.

You glared at him and walked back over to your chair.

Vincent came up to the surface and moved his now wet hair out of his face, "My bad."

You sighed and leaned back in the chair. Another sound of someone jumping in echoed around the room and you glanced over to see Sean's head bob to the surface.

"(Y/n)." Mason mused.

You glanced at him questioningly.

"We're at the pool now. You can take that towel off and show us your swimsuit."

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