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By now you assumed it was probably the evening. Your stomach growled slightly and you were thirsty as well, but it wasn't anything you couldn't bear. The thing that was getting to you was the silence. For hours now, the only noise you'd heard was your own heartbeat and breaths.

Something in the room clicked, making you jolt in surprise, before all the lights in the room turned off.

It must be 7:30. You thought bitterly as you felt around for your blanket. Your heartbeat increased along with your anxiety. Being in a foreign room with no light was not ideal. You weren't particularly tired, but there wasn't much else you could do, especially if the lights were out now. Sighing, you pulled the blanket over you and rested your head against the cold floor, shivering slightly.

How many hours does that make this. It was about 9 when they caught me, so maybe 9:30 I was brought down here? What does that add up to....I'm not good at math.... Your mind went on loops of different things, getting sidetracked and keeping you from actually falling asleep.

Sean sat on his bed, his laptop sitting next to him as he watched you lay on the floor. Outside the sun was setting and casted weird shadows into his room. Engrossed in watching you, he was startled when someone knocked on his door.

"Come in." He said, pulling his computer towards him.

The door opened and yellow eyes peered inside, landing on you.

"What do you want Xander? Was your lavender and jujitsu bath able to bring your stress down?"

Xander stepped into the room, annoyance flashing across his face, "Lavender and Jasmine Sean, and yes it did. I was coming in to check on (Y/n)."

"She's fine. She cried earlier, but nothing too bad has happened yet."

"Why was she crying?" He asked, sitting in one of the chairs facing his bed.

"She kept saying the name 'Abby'. I didn't worry about it too much and turned the computer off." Sean sighed as he leaned back into his pillows.

"She hasn't shown any signs of trying to get out or mental strain?" Xander inquired.

"No. It's a little frustrating to say the least. This is supposed to be a punishment but she's not even having trouble with it. I'd go as far as to say she's enjoying it."

"We need a new plan." Xander murmured

The two boys sat in silence for a few minutes. Sean glanced at Xander a few times before returning his eyes to the tv and watching the unimportant show that was on. Scheming was not his thing. 

"I've got it." Xander said as he slowly stood up.

"Oh? Is this actually going to make her come crying to us for forgiveness?" Sean asked.

"Maybe. There's one thing this all lacks..."

"Which is...?"

"A fear factor." Xanders eyes glinted mischievously.

"So she's not scared?"

"No. And if she is, it's not enough to initiate panic, which is what we want."

"So how do you propose we fix this?"

Xander smiled deviously.

Would it be it be 8 hours ...No it'd be 9 ...10! 10 hours i've been in here. You thought as you looked up at the darkness.

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