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You sat on your bed, staring out the window at the darkening sky. The darker the sky got, the more your anxiety increased.

Vincent had come by a few minutes ago, asking if you wanted dinner, but you refused. You felt nauseous just thinking of eating anything they gave you. Plus, they'd probably drugged it.

You stood up and stretched, glancing around the room. There wasn't much in it for you to take  and you were still wearing your school uniform. You glanced at your phone which now sat in the corner of the room. You'd gotten frustrated with attempting to make phone calls and threw it.

You walked to the glass wall and leaned your forehead against it, sighing. You were ready. You had a plan and back-ups as well. The only thing left was to wait.

You spent the next hour exploring your room since you never really got the chance. There was a set of clothing in the dresser along with a hairbrush on top of it. There were two books shoved into the drawer in your nightstand, but you didn't recognize either title.

You made your way to the door and pressed an ear against it. You could hear faint talking and laughing floating up from downstairs and you scowled.

It went on like that for what felt like hours. You'd press your ear against the door or carpet and listen to their voices. You sat on your bed and crossed your arms, angry that it was taking so long.

You yawned, leaning back against your pillows as you blinked slowly. You looked around the room and sighed. You stood up and glanced outside. The moon was high in the sky which meant that it was probably midnight.

You walked over to the door and pressed your ear against it, intending to be disappointed again. You furrowed your brow and focused more, listening for any sound. There was nothing.

You moved to the floor, listening intently. Nothing.

You stood up and hesitantly turned the doorknob. You opened the door slowly and looked out into the hallway. It was completely dark and there was no sound. You carefully slipped out into the hallway and made your way to the stairs.

You gripped the railing and tried your best to keep most of your weight off your feet. You tiptoed down the stairs, constantly glancing back behind you.

Your feet touched the bottom floor and you sighed quietly, making your way out into the kitchen and living area. You looked around for anyone but saw nothing. You squinted your eyes as you made your way towards the couch and elevator.

You glanced over at the white couch and your hand flew up to your mouth to stop a yelp of surprise and fear. Someone sat on the couch, facing the elevator. You took a few steps back and hovered in your spot, uncertain of what to do. All of your plans had something to do with them hearing you, not them watching the elevator.

Alright, calm down (Y/n). You can figure it out. He doesn't know you're here yet.

You tried to make out who it was. That would help you a lot, but it was dark so you couldn't see their hair color. You paused and listened for a few moments. A faint sound of snoring reached your ears and you looked around to see if there was anyone else in the living room. Not seeing anyone, you looked back at the person and hesitantly took a step forward trying to get a view of their face. You came closer and the snoring became louder.

He's asleep?

You stepped in front of the person and held your breath. You could vaguely see that their eyes were closed. You exhaled slowly and turned back to the elevator. You made your way over and your hand hovered over the button. You glanced back at the person and furrowed your brow. The elevator would make a noise when it opened, and it probably wouldn't shut in time before they got to you.

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