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You wrinkled your nose, "Escort?"

He nodded, "To dinner."

"I can walk down the hallway myself." You said dismissively as you walked over to him.

"I have no doubt you can, but Mrs Roe is old-fashioned and would take more of a liking to you if a man escorted you there."

You raised an eyebrow, "She's old-fashioned yet seems to be the head of the family?"

Vincent's eyes widened and he glanced at the hallway, "You really don't have manners do you?"

"No. I don't."

He sighed, "Look, Gabriel Roe holds everything in this family. The money, the power, the fame. Just because you see her flaunt her power doesn't mean she has more over him. I don't suggest saying something like that again."

You looked out the window, "Fine."

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah. I guess."

Vincent stood up and walked over to you. He undid a clip in your hair and redid it, fixing a stray strand of hair that had fallen.

"There, now you could rival even aphrodite in your looks." He said with a smile.

"Stop it." You said, looking at the ground.

He laughed, "It's nothing but the truth. Now, come on."

He linked his arm with yours and guided you towards the hallway. You glanced around for any of the boys, but they weren't anywhere.

"They're already downstairs." Vincent said, noticing your looks.

You nodded and sighed, "Is there anything I should know? I'm nervous from what you guys say about Sean's parents."

The two of you descended the stairs and Vincent turned to look at you, "Just be yourself. As cliche as it sounds, she'll admire your personality and its her you want to be on good terms with. Sean's father doesn't interact with any of us really."

You nodded again and stared down the hall, "What happens if she gets angry?"

Something flashed across Vincents face, but you couldn't figure out the emotion.

"Nothing. It'll be fine." He said, although you weren't sure.

The two of you continued down the hallway, your heart rate increasing with each step.

Everyone seems scared of Josephine in their own way....You thought, seeing the dining room door come into view.

A butler stood in front of it and turned to face the two of you as you approached. He reached out for the door and opened it, revealing you to everyone.

You froze as everyone's attention was diverted to you, but Vincent ushered you in, smiling.

"I apologize that we're late." Vincent said, "(Y/n) had a wardrobe malfunction that required a few minutes to fix."

He brought you over to your seat and pulled the chair back. You thanked him and sat down. He pushed your chair in and sat beside you. The seating arrangement had changed. Sean no longer sat beside you, but Mason did. Mr and Mrs Roe sat at two seats at the head of the left end of the table. Sean sat to their right along with Xander and Elijah. Vincent sat to their left, then you, then Mason.

"Now that we're all here," Josephine said, giving you a polite smile, "We can start with appetizers."

On cue, the side doors opened and two people carted in trays of food. The plates were set down in the middle of the table and you inspected them with curiosity. There were a lot of foreign foods on them.

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