Night Two

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You slowly opened your eyes and glanced around the room. dazedly sitting up, you squinted as the harsh light shone down on you.

I'm so tired ...You thought as you stood up and stretched. The events of last night entered your mind and your eyes widened as you looked at the door. It stood there, not damaged in any way and you frowned slightly.

There's no way I dreamt all that. You scowled and pressed your ear to the door. Nothing moved on the other side.

Sighing, you sat back down and leaned against the wall. Your stomach growled and you looked at the door sadly. You were really hungry now.

It's probably been a day .... I only have to endure this one more time before I can leave. This is so boring!

You spent the better half of the day complaining to yourself and attempting to fall asleep again, but nothing helped your situation. You started to get a headache and laid against the cold floor, trying to alleviate it in some way.

"I don't suppose anyone could bring me medicine." You muttered to yourself as you stared at the door. You scowled and turned over, trying to ignore the pain in your head and stomach.

All the boys sat at breakfast, silently eating. No one had said a word to each other that morning and everyone kept glancing at your empty seat.

Finally, Elijah broke the silence, "How's (Y/n) doing?"

Sean set his fork down and looked up at Elijah, "As far as I'm aware she's hungry and tired, that's all. She's been surprisingly cooperative with the whole ordeal."

"Has she asked to leave?" Mason asked.

"Only once. Last night she called out for all of us to get her out, but of course no one did. She's been silent since." Sean looked down at his breakfast, not hungry anymore.

Xander looked between everyone before he cleared his throat, "Let's think about what we'll do with (Y/n) after she gets out. Something tells me she'll be more compliant with us after she leaves that room."

"I just want to hug her." Elijah murmured, "She's so warm and her presence soothes me, but she's not here right now." He bent the fork in his hands.

"A movie date." Sean said with a smile. "Any movie she wants, any food she wants."

"I could care less what I do with her." Mason scowled. "She already knows she belongs to me."

"She does not belong to you, Mason." Xander snapped.

"Whatever." He stood up and left the room.

Xander sighed, "Well I want to walk around the garden with her again, although this time without an incident."

"Painting..." Vincent murmured, "That or the pool."

"See, we all have things to look forward to so stop sulking like toddlers." Xander said with a smile. "We'll see her soon."

What time is it? You thought as you rolled around on the ground. I just want this to be over with now.

You resigned yourself to trying to recite songs you knew by memory and hummed the chords. More hours passed and you grew more restless.

You groaned as you spread out on the ground, "Couldn't you guys have left like coloring books or something in here for me. It's too boring in here!"

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