Art and Dates

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"...So don't worry about that. I'm sure everything will be fine." Vincent glanced back at you and smiled as you followed him to the first floor and through a series of hallways.

You weren't exactly listening to him so you didn't know what he'd said. Your head hurt and you were slightly dizzy.

"(Y/n)?" Vincent asked as he looked at you concerned.

Lost in your thoughts, you didn't hear him and ran straight into him. You stumbled back and he reached out to steady you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes filled with worry.

You shook your head slowly and smiled, "I'm fine. I just got dizzy for a second."

He placed the back of his hand to your forehead and waited for a few moments, "You don't seem to have a fever."

You nodded, "I'll be fine. Let's go." You brushed passed him, heading down the hallway.

"Uh (Y/n)..." Vincent trailed off as you turned to look at him. He pointed at the door he'd stopped in front of, "We're already here."

Your face went red in embarrassment as you walked back to him, "Oh..."

He furrowed his brow, "Are you sure you're alright. Did Mason do something to you?"

You thought for a moment, "No. He didn't have the chance to. I fell asleep apparently."

His eyes glanced over your body, "Well...come on then." He pushed open the door and grabbed your hand, pulling you inside.

It looked like a typical art room. Two easels stood in the middle of the room, others stacked against the wall. There was a large glass cabinet over a sink on the left wall that held multiple different types of paints and a can of brushes sat under it on the side of the sink. Random pieces of artwork hung on the walls that were painted a light seafoam green.

Three people sat in the far-right corner of the room, talking. Well, they were until they heard the door open and then they focused on you.

"Never thought I'd see the day Vincent brought a girl to the club." A boy with fuchsia hair and orange eyes said. He gave you a small smile.

"Kai...Could you not?" Vincent mumbled as he walked farther into the room, dragging you behind him.

A girl with dark purple hair and thin glasses stood up and came over to you. She held out her hand and smiled brightly, "Hello. I'm Odell. You are...?"

You shook her hand awkwardly, "(Y/n)..."

The last girl started laughing, "She looks totally freaked out."

Your face went red as you analyzed her. She had blue hair like Vincent, but it seemed dyed not natural. It came in curls down to her shoulders and a purple star barrette was pinned in her hair. She had brown eyes that shone with amusement.

"Sorry, I shouldn't judge you before you know me. My names Nikki. (Y/n) right?"

You nodded slowly, pressing yourself closer to Vincent. You didn't exactly thrive in unusual social situations.

"Alright. You guys have had your fun, now leave her alone. She's here with me." Vincent laughed as he lightly grabbed your hand and pulled you to the other side of the room.

"Sorry about them." He said as he pulled two chairs out for you and him to sit on.

"Its fine." You smiled sheepishly and sat down.

Vincent glanced at the clock on the wall, "We're not supposed to officially start for a few more minutes. There's one more member, but he's been out sick all week. Mr. Quinn should be here soon though."

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