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Your shoes crunched on the gravel path that led to the back doors of the house. You waited a fair amount of time after your encounter with Josephine to make sure you wouldn't run into her or anyone else on your trek back.

Shoving the door open, you peered around for anyone and sighed.

This is unbelievable. I can't sit here, listening, forever and be an obedient pet. I'm finding a phone, there has to be one.

You started walking down the hall, looking for a servant or even an old wall-phone somewhere.

Rule three: You make no attempt to contact the real world.... Echoed in your mind and you scowled.

Screw rule three. I don't even hardly know this woman. I'll protect my friends before she gets to them. You thought as you walked faster.

After a few minutes of continuous searching, you had found nothing. Sliding to the ground against a wall, you sighed, feeling slightly hopeless.

What made me think they would leave a phone out in the open for me? I'm so stupid sometimes.

"(Y/n)?" A voice asked and you paled. You really didn't want to hold a conversation with one of the boys right now.

Footsteps came closer to you and you looked up to see Xander staring down at you in curiosity.

"What do you want?" You sighed, leaning your head back against the wall.

"Well for starters, I want to know why you appear to be having some sort of crisis in the middle of the hallway." He said, sitting down next to you.

You laughed at his statement, "I feel like I'm constantly having a crisis at this point."

He frowned slightly, "Do you want to talk about it? My mom has taught me information on the brain and mental strain."

You shook your head. It's hard to talk to you when you're part of the problem.

"Okay.... Just remember I'm trained on all things with the body."

You raised your eyebrows, "I thought that was Mason's thing."

He gave you a confused expression.

"The suggestive joke stuff."

Xanders eyes widened and his face went a slight pink, " I did not mean it that way. I was just trying to-"

You laughed again and stood up, "I know what you meant."

He frowned and stood up as well, "Are you done having your crisis?"

"For now."

He smiled, "Well then could I interest you in a movie and popcorn?"

Your mood immediately sank again, "Why is there always a motive? Why can't you just be nice?"

He looked at you, surprised, "I-I didn't have a motive... it was just a suggestion to lighten your mood even more."

You ran your hand through your hair in frustration, "You guys always have a motive. It's always 'If I do this, she'll pay more attention to me' or 'if I act like that, she'll think I'm different." You looked at him, your eyes full of tears, "Have you taken a moment to think of me? I feel like a doll whose emotions and thoughts are being tossed around and pulled apart. For one second, I think one of you has changed and then you contradict yourself!"

Xander's face softened, "(Y/n)..."

"Do you understand what you've put me through? Everyday I wake up wondering what might happen to me. Who am I going to run into? What are they gonna do?" You sank to the ground, hands covering your ears "I'm tired of it... It's all a game to you guys... I wish I was dead!"

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