Surprises Everywhere

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"Excuse me. Classmate? No. You're in the Variation B class, not this one. Go back before I tell my father." Mason scowled as he tried to pull you away.

"Funny thing. When the star player of the soccer team asks the headmaster for a favor, he can't say no." Xander said as he stood up. "Hello (Y/n). Are you alright?"

You stood there, staring. "U-Um...yeah...I'm fine."

"I'm glad." He smiled as he switched his attention back to Mason.

"Go back to class." Mason snapped.

"I am in class. Your class. Transfers are so fun!" Xander laughed and walked over to you.

"Xander I mean it. You don't know what-"

"Can you two stop." You said as you looked around. By that point everyone in the gym had stopped and stared at you. "I don't need any more attention than I'm already getting."

Xander and Mason glanced around before they went back to glaring at each other.

"If you want to check, go to your father." Xander said, crossing his arms.

"And leave you with (Y/n). No way." Mason scowled.

"Then I guess you'll have to take my word for it for now." Xander tuned to you and smiled, "We're classmates now. Isn't that cool."

You sighed, "Sure. It'd be cooler if you two could stop fighting and disrupting class."

"They're just staring at your beauty." He replied as he walked away towards the gym teachers.

Your face went red and you stared at the ground, scowling.

"Oh so you'll blush at his words but not mine?" Mason snapped as he looked at you.

"Shut up. It's embarrassment not flattery." You mumbled.

"Hey! Good news. I can join your group since you only have three people." Xander came back, grinning.

"Oh joy." Mason scowled as he went to walk back to Amber.

The rest of gym was uncomfortable. You felt as if you could physically cut the tension between Mason and Xander. Amber continued to try to get Mason's attention, but he ignored her and focused on you. Eventually the teachers told you to go back and change. The locker room was fairly quiet as you all changed, and you left before anyone managed to corner you again.

Xander and Mason were waiting for you outside.

"Hey (Y/n)." Mason smiled as you came out.

"Hey." You came up to them and looked around. There weren't any girls around so you didn't have to worry about pissing them off even more.

"You're really good at volleyball." Xander said as he gently grabbed your arm and guided you towards the exit.

"Oh...thanks." You raised your eyebrows and glanced behind you to see Mason angrily following.

"What's our next class?" You asked as Xander opened the doors and dragged you out into the hall.

"Lunch." Mason answered coming up on your other side.

You nodded, "So are you two going to follow me like dogs around there as well?"

Mason's mouth dropped open and Xander stopped.

"I think you have it the other way around (Y/n). You should be blindly following me." Mason smirked.

"is it a crime to want to be around you?" Xander asked, staring at you intently.

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