Ending: Alternate

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Your heart pounded in time with your feet as they propelled you through the forest line and into the darkness of the trees. You could hear the car screech to a stop and shouting erupt behind you, but you were already too far away for the words to stand out

2 miles...2 miles... just run 2 miles... Your brain repeated over and over as you struggled to look at the ground in front of you. Various tree roots and twigs stuck up and you didn't want to fall and lose even more time trying to get to the right spot.

The trees passed you in a blur and the shadows molded together to create various shapes, some of which resembled humans a little too much and caused you to turn your head.

Once you were sure you were a decent distance from the road, you turned and ran parallel to the way the cars were going. Leaves crunched under you and far away an owl called out, increasing your already high nerves.

It was so quiet.

There was no sound around you. No screaming of the boys, no pounding of footsteps in your direction, no cars squealing by in attempt to find you. You weren't stupid enough to think they had given up but you were confused by the lack of pursuit.

Continuing on, you weaved between trees and glanced around every so often. A squirrel scurried past you and up a tree as you disturbed its hunt for food and birds flew from the trees occasionally.

If it takes 25 minutes to get to the road I have about 13 left... You thought as your lungs started to burn. Your pace had slowed down considerably, but you were still running at a light jog, the adrenaline nullifying any sense of exhaustion you had.

Patches of moonlight lit up the forest floor and you glanced up at it and almost laughed. A full moon tonight of all nights, fitting.

Another five minutes passed and your breathing became more labored. Slowing down to a speed walk you fought to even out your breaths and find the energy to run the last few minutes.

I'm so close, I can't just half-ass it now

You shook your head slightly, took a large gasp of air and started running again, the safety of the edge of the estate the only thing in your mind.

Sounds of footsteps came from up ahead and you stopped and hid behind a tree. A few seconds later Xander appeared, running past you with a wild look in his eyes. You froze and listened until you were sure he was far enough away before slowly leaving your spot and continuing toward the road.

Somewhere in the distance, you heard a vehicle crashing through the trees and ran faster, wanting to make sure it never came close enough to see you.

This is too close...Why are they all so close to me!?

A gunshot rang through the air and you jumped, pausing mid stride to look around. There was no one looking at you but the sound hadn't been that far away.

Your lungs burned and your muscles in your legs felt like lead but you pushed on, clinging on to the hope that you'd make it to the road and the spot safely.

The edge of the treeline appeared in front of you and you propelled forward, the night sky suddenly becoming visible above you.

Bending over with your hands on your knees, you fought to catch your breath and stop the dizzy feeling overtaking your brain.

After a few moments of breathing, you looked up and around at where you were. You looked to the right which you were pretty sure the spot was and then to the left.

Your heart stopped as you saw a person with blue hair down the road, his back turned toward you.

Cursing silently, you backed into the treeline and started walking parallel to the road, heading to the right.

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