Ending: Mason

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Your heart pounded in time with your feet as they propelled you through the forest line and into the darkness of the trees. You could hear the car screech to a stop and shouting erupt behind you, but you were already too far away for the words to stand out

2 miles...2 miles... just run 2 miles... Your brain repeated over and over as you struggled to look at the ground in front of you. Various tree roots and twigs stuck up and you didn't want to fall and lose even more time trying to get to the right spot.

The trees passed you in a blur and the shadows molded together to create various shapes, some of which resembled humans a little too much and caused you to turn your head.

Once you were sure you were a decent distance from the road, you turned and ran parallel to the way the cars were going. Leaves crunched under you and far away an owl called out, increasing your already high nerves.

It was so quiet.

There was no sound around you. No screaming of the boys, no pounding of footsteps in your direction, no cars squealing by in attempt to find you. You weren't stupid enough to think they had given up but you were confused by the lack of pursuit.

Shaking it all off, you continued on, darting in between and around trees trying to count in your head how long it had been. The longer you ran the more paranoid you got that one of the boys would be lurking in the shadows waiting to grab you, but it never happened.

You ran past a tall tree and multiple birds flew away, cawing and making noise that had you cringe. You didn't think that anyone would be able to pinpoint you from that but the noise still could bring potential unwanted attention.

Your feel crunched on the leaves as they carried you forward, your lungs starting to protest at the consistent speed. You slowed down slightly, hoping that it wouldn't cost you anything.

I should have about 10 minutes left before I hit the edge of the property... You thought as your head swiveled the left and right looking out for anyone.

The phone tucked in your felt like a deadweight. What if you messaged them? It wouldn't hurt right?

No, it wasn't in the plan... just keep going.

Leaves crunched to your right and you had enough time to see someone with black hair running towards you before you were shoved off your feet Your head hit the ground and stars exploded in your vision, as someone straddled you.

"Jesus christ you're hard to catch." Someone huffed and you looked up to see Mason glaring down at you.

"G-Get off of me." You said softly, trying to regain the breath knocked out of you.

"No, Love, I don't think I will. You jumped out of a car and ran away. That gives me every right to keep you under me." He placed his hands beside your head and leaned toward you, "I don't particularly hate the sight of it either."

Gotta get rid of him... I need to go to the Gabriel...

You bucked your hips in attempt to get him off of you but he just laughed, "That's cute. You're trying to escape, right?"

"Get off of me!" You yelled, fighting him trying to find a way out.

Mason laughed at you, his red eyes glinting in the moonlight, "Aw come on (Y/n), is that all you've got?"

Gales face flashed in your mind and a sudden burst of strength filled you, letting you push him off of you.

"There you go." He said as he rolled back to his feet.

You stood up and glared at him, noticing every movement he made.

I need to lose him and get to Gabriel.

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