Speed Up The Process

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Your body went numb as you froze at the top of the stairs, looking at her in slight fear. She tilted her head up slightly, as if beckoning you to come back down the stairs.

You found your feet moving for you, descending the staircase and heading towards her tight lipped smile. A smile that didn't reach her eyes.

She held out her hand, "Let's take a walk, shall we?"

You looked between her hand and her face, trying to read her expression, but failing. Hesitantly, you took her hand and were dragged back down the hall. Her grip on you was so hard you found yourself wincing slightly.

Did she find out? Where are we going? Should I call out for the boys or will that just make this worse? You shook your head slightly and looked at Josephines back, letting yourself be dragged around like a doll.

Eventually you realized she was heading for the gardens, typical, and released a slight sigh of relief. At least you weren't heading somewhere foreign in the house.

The spring breeze greeted your skin as she whisked you outside, not heading in any particular direction. You looked up at the sky and took a deep breath in. In the next few days would you be free under that same sky?

Josephine's fast pace slowed down the farther into the garden you got and you patiently waited until she stopped in a little area with a bench. Sitting you down on it she stood in front of you.

"I still don't understand what he sees in you..." She muttered, staring at you.

You opened your mouth but stopped yourself from speaking, opting to look at the ground. She shook her head and put her hands on her hips, the bracelets around her wrists catching the light and almost blinding you.

"You're leaving soon." It was a statement.

You nodded slowly, not sure what she was going to say. 

Does she know about the plan?

"Just because you won't be under my roof doesn't mean you don't follow the rules I've put up." She paused waiting for your reaction, and upon you not giving one she continued, "I still expect you to treat my son well and be the perfect girl for him. Do not cause any trouble and do not go against his wishes."

So that's what this is about.

You looked up at her and gave her a small smile, "Of course. I'll be the perfect little doll for Sean."

Anger flashed in her eyes, "You would do best to keep your snide remarks to yourself. You're lucky I have not smacked sense into you yet."

If you laid a hand on me you wouldn't be alive... You thought, still smiling.

"Mrs Roe, I believe that respect should be earned and not given, so forgive me if I'm not as kind to you as others are. You haven't exactly been kind either."

Her face flushed with anger as she pulled you off the bench, "You do not get to talk to me that way you stupid girl. Go back into that house and pack your bags. You'll be out of here by the end of the night."

Your heart skipped a beat.

That early?

It could work, everything was ready for the plan but you didn't expect it so soon. What would the boys say? How soon would we leave?

In a daze you walked back down the path, not noticing Josephine staring holes into your back. Too many things were whizzing through your mind and she was the least of your problems at this point.

You made your way back up to your room and started walking around, grabbing things you knew you'd need and changing your clothes for something more comfortable to run in, and dark as well.

A knock echoed through your room and you turned to see Vincent in your room. Your heart sped up slightly but you smiled and greeted him.

"You finally managed to piss Josephine off." He said quietly, noticing you packing your things up.

You nodded and went back to folding a shirt you would never wear into the suitcase, "Sorry if I caused any trouble."

He shook his head and came up behind you, "You didn't. It might actually be better this way."

"Be better what w-" You jumped as his arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you into him.

"I cant wait for you to come to my house. You'll be with me where you belong." He muttered into your hair.

"Vincent let go of me." You said, trying to calm your increasing panic.

"I'll paint you everyday. You'll have everything you want." He continued, sighing in content.

You pulled his arms off of you and stepped to the side, "That sounds nice."

He looked at you, slightly surprised, "It does?"

You nodded and smiled, "Just make sure you do well okay?"

He smiled, "Of course."

"Could you come back later? I was about to take a nap before we left." A terrible lie, but you hoped it would work on him.

He looked at you and then the bed hopefully.

"Alone..." You added.

His mood dropped and he sighed, "Yeah. One of us will come get you when we're ready to go."

You voiced your thanks and he took your suitcase from your room, shutting the door behind him.

Your mind went through the list of things that needed to be done, your eyes landing on the small flip-phone on the nightstand. You had been lucky Vincent hadn't noticed it.

You typed out a quick message to Gale and Gabriel telling them about the change in leaving and sighed, looking around your room. The light came in through the windows, highlighting certain areas of the floor.

Good riddance. You scowled.

You hoped to never see this place again, except in your nightmares.

The phone buzzed on the nightstand and you read the messages briefly before turning it off and stuffing it in your bra. That was the only place you could ensure they wouldn't look for anything.

You went back to work, not noticing the sun slowly descend in the sky. 

A/N: This book is almost done! Push through with me while I find the motivation to finish this 313 page google doc. 

Advanced Plans (Yandere Boys x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon