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"Wow! Who thought it'd be so crowded up here!" Layken said as she slipped through the crowd of students.

The two of you had come upstairs to find Sean, but it seemed impossible with the crowd. People were chatting, gossiping, and checking people out. The bottom line was that they were crowding the hallways on either side, making it hard to locate anyone or get through. 

"This must be the top hangout spot." You mumbled as you pushed by a group of girls who had abruptly stopped walking.

After a few minutes of wandering up and down the hallways, you spotted a familiar face.

"Elijah!" You shouted as you pushed your way towards him.

Hearing your voice, he immediately stopped and looked around. A grin spread to his face as his eyes landed on you. "Hey (Y/n)!"

You stopped in front of him and looked around, not seeing Layken. She must've gotten lost in the crowd.

"Did you need something?" He asked, hope apparent in his voice.

"Oh yeah! Have you seen Sean?" You looked around. "He's your friend so I figured you might know where he was."

His grin fell and it almost looked like he scowled, "Why do you need to know where Sean is?"

You smiled, "He and Layken have a date. I was going to give him the details."

He nodded slowly, "I forgot about that. He isn't available right now though. He's in a student council meeting and I don't think he'll be leaving anytime soon."

"Oh..." How were you going to tell him then?

He noticed your expression, "B-But! You can come over to our dorm later. We all live together and he'll be there."

You frowned. The dorms usually only housed two people per room. "How are four of you living in the dorms together?"

He laughed, "We have the top two floors to ourselves (Y/n)."

Your eyes widened, "Really?!"

He nodded, "Yep! So I'd guess Sean will be done in about an hour and a half you can come by in about two hours. Just take the elevator up to the 12th floor."

You smiled, "Okay! Thanks."

You turned to make your way back downstairs, but you thought of something, "Elijah. Aren't girls supposed to stay away from the male dorms?"

He laughed, "It'll be fine for you. Trust me." He winked and then disappeared into the crowd.

What does that mean? You thought as you pushed your way through the crowd.

You made your way down to your locker on the first floor and pulled out your phone. That was one of the rules you hated here. Phones weren't allowed inside the building during school hours and had to be kept in lockers.

Powering it up, you saw a text from Layken.

L: I got lost in the crowd, so I just came back down! Sorry! I went back to my dorm if you need me!

You quickly replied saying that you were going to tell Sean about the date later because he had been busy.

L: Okay, sounds good.

You slipped the phone into your backpack and made your way back to the cafeteria. You had two hours to kill so you might as well do your homework. You pushed through the doors and made your way to the courtyard. This one was more secluded and there was bound to be less people in here than in the main one. You would be able to concentrate better here.

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