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You silently watched as Xander approached the stairs, the three other boys trailing behind, but he walked past them and turned revealing another set of stairs that went down. You glanced at him worriedly as he descended them, his footsteps echoing and bouncing off the walls.

"Why aren't you taking me to my room?" You asked softly, dread building up inside you.

"It's a familiar environment where you have access to things that will make this easier for you. You don't know anything down here which makes your emotions more vulnerable." Xander explained, glancing down at you.

Your eyes widened as his foot hit the floor of what you assumed was the basement. The footstep echoed in your brain, increasing your dread. For the intricate and fancily decorated upper floors, the basement looked sad and desolate. It was only partially finished and the hardwood floor easily gave way to cement and walls with insulation still visible. There was a lack of heat and a cold breeze that drifted by caused you to shiver. It was not a place that chased away negative thinking.

"Over here." Sean said as he veered off to a side room.

He opened the door and Xander brought you inside. The floor was still made of cement but the walls were finished and painted a muted greyish blue. A single blanket sat folded in the corner and a bucket sat in another.

"I am not using a bucket to go to the bathroom." You stated as Xander set you down.

"Then don't go to the bathroom." Sean snapped, looking around. "The room isn't heated so there's a blanket for you there. The door will be locked and if you try to break it down, you'll spend four days down here chained to the wall. The lights turn off automatically at 7:30. What you do in here for the next two days is your concern not ours. I had one of the groundskeepers paint this room the muted blue color because it's color is supposed to psychologically trigger fear and sadness. Just a thought."

You looked at him angrily and then looked behind him at Mason and Elijah leaning in the doorway. You balled your hands into fists, "This is so unfair! No one should be subjected to this."

"You trying to run away was unfair. Now take some time to ruminate on your actions that brought you to this result." Mason called, glaring at you.

"Wow, that was a big word. Are you sure you used it correctly?" You snapped, walking towards him. Mason's eyes flashed in anger.

Xander stopped you, "Sorry, you can't leave the room now (Y/n)."

"Is there anything else you need before we leave?" Elijah asked, looking at you indifferently.

You shrugged out of Xanders touch and walked towards the far wall, "For you all to go jump off the roof of this damned prison."

Someone sighed heavily and you crossed your arms, glaring at the wall.

"Is that really going to be your last sentence to us for a while?" Sean asked.

Your answer was your silence.

"Very well. Goodbye (Y/n)" He said. A few seconds later you heard the door shut and the sound of a lock.

You sank to the ground, feeling your tension die away. Two days in here meant two days you wouldn't have to see them. Maybe it wasn't actually that bad.

The four boys walked up the stairs in silence.

"You did put the security camera in there right?" Elijah asked.

"Of course, and its well-hidden so she shouldn't find it." Sean answered. "You think I could go two days without seeing her at all?"

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