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You slowly shut your locker and turned to look at them, "About what?"

"Everything!" A girl cried. She looked like the short one you'd seen with Mason the first time you'd met him.

"I'm not sure I understand." You said dully.

"Don't play dumb with us! There are rules here with all the top-class boys." Another girl yelled. She had short blue hair and red eyes.

"Rules..." You echoed.

"Yes! And you're breaking them!"

You tapped your chin, "How so?"

Anger flashed on every girls face.

"You kissed Sean Roe!" One yelled.

"You're taking up all of Mason Northview's time!" Another shouted.

"You took Xander Nile out of his class so that you could mess around with him!"

More shouts of things reached your ears and you tensed up.

"Will you all stop!" You screamed. "Since you're so stupid, I'll explain it for you. Sean Roe kissed me not the other way around. He cornered me and kissed me, not me cornering him, so get that straight. Mason Northview has it out for me so he's making my life miserable. Be my guest and take him away. I took Xander out of his class room not to 'mess around' but to have him help me with a genuine problem." You looked at all of them angrily.

"You're a liar! You can't stop lying to everyone!" the blue haired girl shouted.

"I'm not! I-"

"She got Cameron expelled because Cam tried to expose her!" Another girl yelled.

You looked at her, your (e/c) eyes wide, "Cameron got expelled?"

"Like you didn't know! You probably bribed Mason to do it!"

"Will you listen to yourself?! How in the world would I have done that!?" You yelled.

"Simple. You're a whore. You probably lured Mason to your dorm and-"

"I don't live on campus, so just stop right there." You growled. "Now if you're done-"

"We're not. You don't know the rules." A girl stopped you as you tried to shove pass her.

You glared, "And what are these oh so important rules?"

"You can admire them, but nothing more. That goes for every guy in the top class including the ones you have wrapped around your little finger."

You rolled your eyes, "You girls can have them. I'm just friends with them. Now if you'll excuse me..." You shoved through the ring of girls and headed towards the locker rooms exit.

You sighed and walked over to where everyone else was standing, already dreading gym. You weren't the worst, but you surely weren't the best which didn't make it enjoyable.

Someone whistled and you turned to see Mason looking you up and down, "I knew I wouldn't regret making you take gym."

You tried to pull the shirt and shorts down as you looked away, "Mason. That's embarrassing. Don't say stuff like that."

He laughed and closed the distance between the two of you, "Doesn't it make you feel good though? It makes you think you're beautiful, right?"

You stepped away from him, "It makes me think that you're a pervert."

He frowned and you turned on your heel to see the rest of the girls come out of the locker room. You widened the distance between you and Mason considerably. He noticed.

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