Expulsions and Enmity

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"Are you sure you're alright?" Elijah asked, glancing at you as you stood in front of your homeroom.

"No but I'll get through it." You let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm down the hall of you need me." He pointed at a door a little ways down.

"Okay. Thanks again Elijah." You smiled and opened the door to your homeroom. Elijah waved and walked away.

Immediately, people focused on you. There was a faint murmur around the room as you stepped inside.

"That's (Y/n) she's the..."

"...Can't believe she..."

"..kissed while her friend..."

Bits and pieces of conversations hit your ears and threatened to send you back out into the hall. You sighed as you glanced around the room, looking for Mason.

He was sitting in the back of the class with a group of girls around him. He hadn't noticed your presence yet. You walked over to him.

I may not necessarily like him, but I need someone who doesn't hate me right now.

You stopped in front of the group of girls and cleared your throat, "Um...Mason...?"

A girl with purple hair turned around which you recognized from your physics class, "What are you doing here? Don't you have a relationship to ruin?"

You balled your hands into fists, "Don't you have something else to do other than being a nosy brat?" You looked past her at Mason who was watching your exchange with curiosity.

"It's not being nosy if the whole school knows it. You're a lying backstabbing slut and your personality has been shown to everyone." She said with a smirk.

"Do you always insult people you don't know? Do you always listen to rumors? Ya know I like to learn people's names before I start calling them derogatory terms." You snapped, focusing back on her.

"What does the whole school know about (Y/n)?" Mason sat up in his chair and looked at the girl innocently.

Excitement filled her face, "(Y/n) set up a date with a girl and your friend Sean and then purposefully ruined it so that the girl felt terrible."

"That's not-!"

Mason cut you off, "And what did (Y/n) do to ruin this date?"

She gave you an angry look, "She lured Sean away and convinced him to kiss her while he was out with her friend. Luckily a girl from our school was nearby and saw the whole thing go down."

A girl was nearby...

"Do you have proof of this?" Mason asked, his eyebrows raised.

The girl nodded eagerly and pulled out her phone. She pulled up the photo and showed it to Mason. "It's all over the school website. She was exposed." The girl looked back at you triumphantly.

You watched as something flashed across Mason's face before he turned to look at you, "Is this real?"

Your eyes widened, "Mason, listen to m-"

"Don't attempt to soil Masons mind with your terrible lies." The girl snapped as she turned to face you. "You're just looking for the next boy to hook up with!"

"I'm not! If anyone would just listen I-"

"No one listens to liars! Now get away from Mason!" The girl yelled as she shoved you away violently.

Your eyes widened as you became unbalanced and went crashing to the floor. But it never happened.

In a split-second, Mason was out of his chair and caught you before you hit the ground. You shivered at the look in his eyes.

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