The Top Class

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You followed Mason down a few hallways before the two of you stopped in front of a door.

"Alright, we're here. It's science right now." He explained, glancing at you.

"Wait...I'm not sure about this anymore..." You said, your anxiety building up inside.

Mason took your hand squeezed it gently, "Hey, you're fine. You're with me, so no one's going to question you."

You found comfort in the first half of his words, but the second half left you scowling. "Let go of my hand."

"Nope!" He said cheerfully before he opened the door, not leaving any time for you to argue.

All the talk in the classroom stopped and dozens of heads turned to look at you and Mason. Multiple girls glanced down to see him holding your hand and their faces grew angry. You shrank back slightly, but Mason dragged you into the classroom.

"Sorry Mr. Simmons, (Y/n) was in the infirmary because she fainted in the hallway earlier."

The teacher looked between the two of you. He was fairly young and his hair was a light brown. He seemed kind, but strict.

"Very well Mason. Please take your seat, and (Y/n) please go find one."

"Well, you see sir, the nurse told me to keep an eye on her, so I'd like her to sit next to me."

Your eyes widened. He never said anything about having to sit next to him.

"No, I'll be fine. I wouldn't want to be a burden on your mind." You said softly. A few of the girls nodded aggressively as if they agreed with you.

"Nonsense. I wouldn't forgive myself if something else happened to you." Mason smiled innocently.

You scowled.

You're lying about the whole thing you devious little-

"(Y/n). Please sit next to Mr. Northview for the time being. He has a point. You can find your regular seat tomorrow." The teacher, Mr. Simmons, said.

You went to say something but then looked at the ground and nodded your head.

Mason grinned and walked over to his seat. There were two girls sitting on either side of him.

He looked at a girl with light red hair, "Get up."

She looked shocked at his words, "But this is my-"

"I said get up didn't I? Are you deaf?" Mason snapped as he glared at her,

She looked as if she was going to cry.

"Are you listening? That's (Y/n)'s seat now, so get up and-"

You scowled, "Why are you being so rude to her? In front of everyone!" You turned to look at the girl, "I'm very sorry, I'll go sit in the back. Please stay in your seat."

You turned and went to the back row, next to the window.

Mason cleared his throat, "(Y/n). You're supposed to sit next to me so I can keep an eye on you."

"Then come back here you idiot. And stop disrupting class." You muttered as you sat down.

A few girls murmured at you calling him and idiot, but Mason sent them glares and they shut up. He grumpily moved to the back of the classroom and sat next to you.

"You're not being very obedient." Mason mumbled as he pulled out a notebook.

You raised your eyebrows, "Who said I was going to be obedient?"

Advanced Plans (Yandere Boys x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin