"Vance! Get your shit together! We are getting out of this alive!" Brianna yells at me through her incantation. How did she know?

I snap out of my despair and start organizing our crews for an attack as does the captain. Brianna, Pasha, and Denay have almost finished their spells. Brianna raises her hand into the stormy sky and a barrier forms around us. No. Around every ship there is in the sea.

But Brianna doesn't stop there, she begins another spell, I can barely hear her words through the chaos around us. Suddenly a tentacle rises out of the sea beside our ship. Our mage power must have caught the beasts attention.

"AIM! FIRE WHEN READY!" I shout to our archers. They flame their arrows, knock them and begin to shoot at their target tentacle. The beast shrieks in pain as the arrows pierce it's skin underneath the black spiked armor.

"AGAIN!" The captain yells. More arrows shoot out, but this is only angering it. The tentacle slams down onto our barrier making an echoing noise and shock waves of electricity scatter over it. These barriers won't hold much longer.

Another tentacle hits, and then another as the beast desperately grabs for our ships. The barriers are beginning to crack. This was it. One more hit and we are done.


A barrage of flaming arrows, harpoons, and fire bombs hit the beast. But does nothing to harm it, the spiked armor on it's back is too tough to do any damage. Another tentacle hits the barrier and it shatters disappearing into the storm. We are left with no defense now. It raises another tentacle coming down on us for one last hit.

But suddenly a white light appears at the bow of the ship. I pull my eyes from the beast and look towards it. Brianna was glowing white, arms out to her sides levitating in the sky. The power coming from her was astonishing, she shone like something unearthly.

"LEVIATHAN!" She calls out and lightning strikes her forehead. She holds her head up to the sky taking it in. The tentacle comes down on her hitting her power and explodes into pieces of gelatin matter and blood. The Krakken screams and writhes in the ocean, twisting and turning it's limbs in pain. Brianna's lightning dies out.

Clouds form a circle around her opening up the sky above us, letting the moonlight beam onto the surface of the ocean ahead. The swells stop, the air goes calm, and everything is still. I look to our crews and our enemies crews. They are all watching her, as she levitates in the air covered in white extraterrestrial light. Then a sudden boom sounds, the water shakes. Another boom sounds and lightning strikes the ocean in front of the Krakken.

Then we see it, glowing under the sea's surface, it shimmers in bioluminescence. It raises itself out of the ocean, it's head first, slithering up high into the sky. It was twice the size of the Kraken and twice as powerful. A dragon of the sea, a serpent beast coated in white mother of pearl scales. In all my life I have never seen such a beautiful creature.

It opens its mouth, sneering at the Krakken. Then it sings a song so angelic I am brought to my knees. As it sings a white light appears in its throat, moving up to its mouth. I can tell it is preparing for an enormous blast of power. Electricity sparks around us and the air grows thick.

"BRACE YOURSELVES!" The captain shouts.

The serpent let's it's power go and with a sonic boom, a white beam of electricity hits the Krakken stripping flesh off, melting it's armor and tearing through tentacles like a knife through butter. Within seconds the Krakken was nothing but bits of flesh in the ocean sinking into the depths of the deep blue.

The serpent sings once again in victory, and everyone around me cheers. Then like a hurricane of white crystals it disappears into the ocean and snow begins to fall from the sky.

I turn to Brianna, her white glow is flickering out and she is losing her levitation. I run to the bow just as she begins to drop, catching her before she falls into the ocean.

"Brianna!" No response, her power has torn off her clothes and she is completely naked, I cover her up the best I can with myself holding her close. Kit comes to my side with a torn sail and I cover her up with it.

"Brianna, please wake up!" I lift her head to my ear to see if she is breathing. There are short breaths coming from her, but they seem strained. Something isn't right, her face is white as a ghost, her lips purple, she is ice cold to the touch, she looks as if she is...dying.

"What's wrong with her?" Kit asks.

"I don't know." I reply. "Lets get her to her room."

I stand and turn towards the stairs leading down to the hull of the ship. But I am stopped by our crew and our enemies crew. I scan the ship starting from left to right, every man and woman has kneeled before us bowing their heads including their captain.

She looks up at me.
"Please, we need mage help!" I shout.

She nods. "Get me Pasha and Denay now!" She says.

I make my way to Brianna's room with the captain, Kit, and the two mages following behind.

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