I sawwy...

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She lay there , still , frozen , lifeless.

Doctors surrounded her , showing needles into her skin and hooking her up to machines as I watched through the window of the white walked hospital room.

And it was all my fault.

If I had jumped sooner or ...

She risked her life to save me , but she didn't realise that without her my life wasn't worth living.

As I watched the love if my life die , Juliet , Scout and Lily's uncle were locked up in jail cells.

It still wasn't enough.

"Coffee?" Jinxx asked sadly.

He wasn't worried about the wedding , no one was , everyone's focus was on their best friend dying.

And they did this all for money.

I shook my head , we had only been at the hospital for a hour.

I felt a hand tug me back as her rooms doors swung open and at least four doctors pulled her bed to another room with a heart rate monitor beeping a fast as lighting.

I turned to see a tear filled face belonging to Izzy.

I hadn't even begun to think about how the others were feeling.

"SHES LOOSING BLOOD" the voice of another doctor ring through the hall.

This can't be happening.

*flash back*

The guys stood back awkwardly as I begin to scan the girls before me , our new manager had decided that we needed to adopt to make us more 'responsible' and i thought that was total bullshit , until I saw girl , different from the others in so many ways , her vibrant blue eyes seemed filled with excitement and her long blonde hair trailed down her back , her smile lighting up the while room as I stood back and watched her every movement , every breath, she was the one.

*flash back over*

I felt myself being dragged towards a new room , I looked through the room to see surgeons , monitors , wires and blood , lots and lots of blood.

I looked back to the monitor to see it slowly loosing life , beeping slower and slower by the second.

I felt more tears run down my cheek before being pulled into a hug by Ash.

"She'll be fine , it will all work out"he sniffled more to herself than me.

"I'm gonna lose her Ash"I cried into his shoulder , soaking his shirt.

"She's strong Andy" he released me as I turned back to the room.

-I'll post the last chapter along with the first chapter of my new book tomorrow night!

Adopted by Black Veil Brides? (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now