Chapter 8

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I grab the bottle and start unscrewing the lid when Ash ans Andy walk back out.

It comes close and I take a swing of it.

The liquid burns down my throat like fire.

"Lily , thats enough" CC comes over to me in attempt to take the substance away from me.

"Dont fuck with me and my vodka" I warn holding it close to me.

"Lily give it to me "he says sternly.

"Whats up your ass?" I ask

I groan as he takes it away from me.

"Ill be back for you" I say to the vodka , pressing my face against the drinks copboard.

"We can get drunk after LilyAnne" Jinxx laughs .

He stops laughing and realises what he said.

"HOLD HER BACK" Ash yells as they run outside.

Andy grabs my arms and rest run out side.

"Lock the door" I tell him.


"We're locking them out" I reply

He lets go of me and I run to the door , shutting and locking it.

They realise we locked them out and start banging on the door (hehe) .

"I dunno about you but im gonna go watch Lion King" I laugh walking towards the couches.

-20 minutes later-

"ANDY" I cry tackling him to the ground.

"He died , his daddy died , the meanie dogs killed him" I pout.

I realise that i'm sitting on his lap and go to get off.

He pulls me back down to his lap and smirks.

"Tell me about the meanie dogs" he says.

"Well they attacked the old dude and then he died and the little one was telling him to wake up but he couldn't wake up cause hes fucking dead" I explain.

I look back at Andy to see a massive smile on his face.

"Andy?" I ask and he just stays there , looking at me smiling like a mad man.

"Andy" he ignores me.

"Andy , im thinking of dying my hair blue" I state.

"I fucked Ashley" I try gain his attention

Fucking loopy batman.

I peck his nose and he escapes la la land .

"What was that for" his smile grows bigger....along with another thing...

"You wouldn't hear my story about the meanie dogs" I cry getting off him.

"Wheres the war paint?" I ask as he gets up.

"Check my suitcase"

I go into the bunks and look through his suitcase.


Walking to the bathroom I hear Andy open the front door and the guys running in , complaining about how cold it was.


I put on eyeliner and mascara and shit then change into my black ripped skinny jeans and a ripped black crop top then do warpaint on my arms , face and tummy .

I walk out and straighten my hair while the guys get ready then chuck my black converse on.

"You guys take so long to get ready" I turn my attention towards the guys getting changed , doing their hair and doing makeup.

"FUCKING BATMAN!" Andy yells , burning himself on the straighteners.


I walk over to him and start doing his hair while he does makeup.

"Thanks Lee" he says as they finish up.

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