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*Izzy's POV*

"Hey Ash" I say nervously .

"Hey" He smiles all dreamy like.

"Who's at the door Iz?" Dad yells from the kitchen.

Seriously dad?

"Just Ash!" I yell back causing the man at my doorstep to frown.

"So I'm just Ash now?" He teases pretending to be hurt.

I laugh and say bye to mum and dad before they could interrogate the poor guy.

"So where are we going?" I ask looking down at my black skinny jeans and white shirt hoping I hadn't underdressed.

"I was thinking a bar?" He smirks ,opening the car door for me like a gentlemen.

"Thanks " I mumble probably blushing like crazy.

When we get there the place is already packed to the brim with under aged and abed retards and orange bimbos.

"You want a drink?" Ash asks dragging me to the counter.

"Coke" I ask pulling out my wallet.

"It's on me" he says pulling my wallet closer to me .

I know for a fact that I was blushing so I looked down at my navy vans which seemed interesting.

"Here" Ashley hands me the drink.

I take the drink and quench my thirst.

I wasn't even thirsty it was just the fact that Ash's shirt was so fucking tight.

"I'll be right back" I tell Ash putting my drink down and walking to the bathroom.

"Hey baby how you doing" A kid that resembled Bryan Starzzzzzzzzzzzz interrupts my walk to go piss.

"Excuse me" I say nicely ,walking past him.

He grabs my ass an with a few swift movements the guys on the floor holding his manhood .

Everyone's attention is drawn towards us including Ashley's.

"BITCH!" The guy yells at me as a few bleach blondes stumble over along with Ash.

"The fuck was that for!" One of the wannabe strippers yells at me pushing me to the side.

"What? He came onto me" I say pushing her back.

She was around the same hight as me in her 6inch heals.

The guy starts getting up and goes to punch me before Ash catches his hand.

"Don't fucking touch her" he warns before punching mini Bryan right in the nose.

The girls stand back as if its nothing as the two start full out fighting.

"Ash!" I yell as he gets punched.

He hits him back and looks at me before I mouth 'it's not worth it'.

He nods before kicking the guy in the balls and grabbing my hand to walk out.

We get into the car in silence.

"I'm sorry"he mumbles ashamed.

Honestly it was kinda hot....but I'm not gonna tell him that...

"It's fine ,are you okay?" I ask looking at his bleeding hand and the small cut on the side of his face.

"Yeah , you wanna do this again sometime? Not like fight just go out maybe ....just the two if us?" He stutters nervously.

It was freaken adorable!

"Are you asking me on a date Mr.Purdy?" I ask while quietly laughing/fan girling.

He nods while looking down.

"Of course , Just text me whenever" I attempt to smile but I probably looked like a Over excited dork.

We come to a halt and both get out of the car.

He grabs my hand and butterfly's fuck in my stomach as we walk to my front door.

"Bye Iz" he says letting to of my hand.

Before I know it his lips are smashed on mine (not literally ,that would or painful).

We break apart "Goodnight Mr.Purdy" I say before he smiles a big cheesy grin an walks back to the car.

Oh god , I'm in love....



If you want...

Chapter dedicated to :PurdysGurl68 (I think?)

Adopted by Black Veil Brides? (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now