US in the UK [Requested]

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You kept the bouquet of fresh roses on your lap as Tom drove his car. You were shy and nervous. Yes you have come to the UK several times before but this time it was a lot different. You were meeting Tom's parents. "You'll be fine. They all love you." Tom says figuring out your silence could mean only one thing. You nod your head in response.

Tom carefully parks his car before carrying your luggage inside. His mother and his brothers were all gathered in the living room ready to greet you.

You all sit around chit chatting about things. It was going all okay until they would start talking about topics like the weather and you would feel a little confused.

The next day you got ready to meet up with some of Tom's old friends at a cafe.

"Alex can't make it. He's pissed." One of his friends say as you and Tom reach up to them outside the cafe. "We are waiting for a table. The usual." A girl says. You look towards the cafe to see the empty tables. As a group of people exit, you all walk in sitting down at a table by the window. The view was not terrible but it still made you confused.

You could hear people talking about the weather at a nearby table. "Y/n!! You alright? Tom said a lot about you." One of the boys say. "Yeah. I'm alright." You say giving him a smile.

As his friends left to pick up the food you move towards Tom asking why his friend was pissed to come. "He meant he was drunk." Tom says patting your thigh. For a minute you felt that his friend was pissed to meet you but you felt relieved knowing that was not the case.

"So Y/n, how is the weather there?" His friend asks joining at the table. "Different from here." You reply. "Yeah it can be horrific here." He says to which his other friend nods his head.

You bid farewell to his friends and begin to walk with Tom. "It's quiet here than back at home." You say looking around the small roads that was almost empty. "It's peaceful." Tom says.

"So how do you like it here?" Tom asks. "It's really nice but also confusing. Sometimes a little scared to talk since I might come off rude." You say. "You'll get used to it in a few days." Tom says leaning forward to kiss your cheek.

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