39. Mobbed

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I prepare lunch and some snacks for the cast members of Tom's new movie. Me and Emily are planning on surprising Tom at work. "Alright. Daddy's lunch is packed up. Let's have your lunch now." I say putting Emily on her high chair as I feed her. "Are you excited to see daddy?" I ask. She nods her head.

"Hi Harrison. When does Tom get his lunch break? Oh. Okay. Well, can you make sure he doesn't run off? I'm planning to go surprise him." I say. "Wait. You are coming alone? Oh no. You pregnant and carrying Emily along with all the food and you are planning to come alone? If Tom found out that he will kill me. Just wait there. I'm on my way." Harrison says before ending the call. I pout.

"Okay I'm here. Where are the bags?" He says walking into the kitchen. "Here." I say holding up two bags of food. He takes them to the car before carrying Emily as well.

"Ohmygod. There are so many people." I say softly. I carry Emily while Harrison carries the bags. The moment I got out, everyone crowded us. I got pushed back onto the side of the car. Emily crying. Dozens of questions coming towards us. Soon enough the security came out and guided us inside.

"Ohmygod. Y/n!!" Tom says running towards us. Another cast member took Emily while Tom tried to calm me down. "Y/n. Breath." Once I calmed down Tom started with his questions. "Is the baby okay? Y/n I told you to stay home and be safe. Why did you come here? I'm not mad. Just worried okay." He says the last part a bit scared because of my mood swings. "We got bored of staying home and I made you lunch and some snacks for the cast members." I say. Before Tom could speak a cast member yells out compliments about my food. I smile widely. "Okay but be here cause I'm dropping you and Emily home." He says before helping me up. "Overprotective Tom again." I whisper to myself. "What was that, love?" He asks. "Nothing." I say.

A/N: I'm sorry that its taking time to post the requested imagines. I have started them. Will try to finish them soon. I'm still not used to writing requests :)

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