15. Fan hate

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Tom has been busy with all the interviews and he hardly has time to spent with me which was making me a bit moody but maybe its the hormones. Ugh. "Love you okay?" Asks Tom. I nod. "You are talking to yourself and frowning." He says raising an eyebrow to which I just shrug. One of my friends has come to town and Tom had to drop me but he seems to be too busy. Should I remind him?

"When are you planning to go meet your friend?" He asks. Oh he remembered. I thought. "Um.. At noon." I reply. He looks at his watch before talking. "Its 11 already. Why don't you go get ready? I'll drop you off on the way. Yeah?" He says. I nod. I wore a knee length black dress with some comfy shoes. "Wow." He says. Now that its been a few months the bump has become visible but I still try to hide it.

Ever since the announcement most of his fans has been really suportive while some are just rude and full of threats but I try not to let it bother me eventhough I am a bit nervous. "Here we are. You see her?" Tom asks. She had told to come see her at the small cafe' in the mall. 'I'll just have to go inside and see. I'll be fine." I reply. Tom nods his head before driving off.

Its been almost an hour now. Where could she be? I call her up several times but no answer. I decide to walk around the mall until she calls back. "Are you Y/n?" Asks someone behind me. "Yeah?" I ask unsure of how to exactly react to a stranger saying my name. She gives out a disgusting look and walks away. Several stores and facing some rude fans I start to get uncomfortable. I take out my phone to call Tom but before he could pick up the phone died. Great. I say. On the way out I get pushed and beaten up by a group of girls. I slowly get up and run in pain out of the mall. I start to panic. I have no idea where I am or where to go. My mind goes all blank. "Are you alright?" Asks a middle aged women. I shake my head. She moves me towards a bench and calms me down. "You need a cab?" She asks. Tom had always said not to take the cab much amd to call him always. I debate to myself if I should say yes or not. Instead I reply a yes. I just wanted to go home. The kind women help me get a cab and I tell my address.

The car ride was quiet. I reach home safely. Tom is still out. Be probably would be back at night. I walk into the room and take my dress off to find several bruises on my body. I took out the cream and help myself apply it to the areas I could reach.

"OHMYGOD! Y/N WHAT HAPPENED??" Says a shocked Tom from the door. He must have finished the interviews early. "Umm.. I fell down." I lie. "You what?" He asks confused. He starts to apply the cream on my back but stops. "We gotta go to the hospital. We have to check if you are alright. If the baby is alright. Ohmygod. The baby!!" He says freaking out. "Tom calm down. I just fell down the stairs. Its okay." I lie again. "Its not okay Y/n. You don't get this much bruises from falling down the stairs and you are not even clumsy to fall down in the first place. Put on your dress. We are going to see the doctor." He says passing my dress to me.

"The baby is fine. Be more careful next time." The doctor says. Tom still  doesn't seem too satisfied. "How many?" he asks on the way back home. "How many what?" I ask. "How many fans were there?" He asks. I freeze. "Where?" I ask pretending to I don't know what he was talking about. "Y/n, I know that you didn't fall down the stairs. I sae the posts on instagram. I saw the videos and I came back skipping 6 interviews." He says. I sit quiet. "How long has they been doing this?" He speaks again. "Few days back." I reply. "Next time please do tell me. Everything. I don't want to lose any of you guys. Alright?" He says. I nod my head.

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