14. Jealous

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"Is Haz free today?" I ask Tom who was packing his bag to go filming. He nods his head. "Why?" He asks curiously. "He hasn't been replying my calls or messages today." I say pouting a bit. "Maybe he's asleep or something. You guys gonna hang out?" He asks biting his lip. Its as if he don't want me to go. "Kinda yeah." I say. "Kinda??" He asks. "Well, he said he needs some help with getting a gift for his friend's birthday." I reply. He makes an Oh in return. "Well you two have fun. I'm off to work." Be says giving me and the belly a kiss.

"Haz!!!" I scream answering the door. "Ready?" He asks excited. I nod my head. He helps me with the coat and we drive off to the mall. "So what we getting here??" I ask. "I don't know. Just came to get some ice-cream." He says walking towards an ice-cream stand. Ooh yummy. We take some quick pictures and uploaded it on instagram.

"This one?" He asks coming out the changing room. I frown a bit. He seems to understand my facial expressions now. We picked a shirt for Tom and a matching outfit for the little baby girl as well. Well there is still a lot of time for her arrival but the clothes are just too adorable not to buy. "Alright Y/n, let's move on from the baby section now." Says Harrison dragging me away to the next section.

"You got all the bags?" I ask Haz as we walk into the set venue. We put the bags in the room and stood aside watching Tom act. Suddenly Harrison cracked out a joke then made us both laugh out loud causing everyone to look at us. Tom didn't seem to have a very good expression on. We both excused ourselves and went to grab a snack. "Taste this Y/n." He says shoving a spoon full of ice-cream in my mouth. "But mine tastes better." I say shoving a spoon full of the ice-cream I was having. "Hey, Tom! Taste mine and tell Haz mine is better." He just ignores and leaves. I sit confused with his behaviour.

"Shall we all head out for dinner?" I say putting my hands over both Harrison and Tom. "Nah I'm good. I'll just head home now." He says rushing off to pack his things. "Wait for me them." I say slowly running behind him. I gather the shopping bags and put them in the backseat before joining Tom on the passenger seat. "Can we stop by to get dinner?" I ask. "I'm not hungry." He replies not taking his eyes off the road. "Well I'm probably be hungry." I say pouting. "Well should have gotten some with Haz then." He says parking the car. I look at him. "We planned to eat out with you." I say softly. "Well I think not. Who knows maybe you both are fucking around behind my back and maybe that's his baby too." Tom says in frustration. I sit in tears. Should I get out and run off or just sit here. "Get off the car. I gotta lock it." He says rudely. I get out and walk off not bothered to go inside the apartment with him but he was fast enough to grab me by the hand and pull me inside. One hand holding onto me tight which was hurting so bad and the other carrying his bag and my shopping bags.

"There is no reason why you should be jealous." I say once he let go of my hand and made my way into the kitchen. "I'm not jealous." He replies rudely again. He glances at your hand to see a bruise visible now from how tight his hold was. Coming to realisation he quickly grabbed some ice and put on the bruise. "I just had a bad day." He says. "You were jealous of Harrison." I say softly. "No I'm not. I mean I wasn't." "Hmm." I reply as he protests he wasn't.

"Okay maybe I was a little jealous." He says. I raise an eyebrow. "Okay fine. I was a lot jealous and I'm sorry."

A/N: Sorry if this was shitty.

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