67. Blushes

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-Tom's P.O.V-

I sat at the edge of the bed as I read through the script given by the director. Y/n has gone out with Harry, leaving me all alone in the quiet apartment. She has been stressing on her works lately and a hangout was the perfect idea.

-Y/n's P.O.V-

"How is your drink?" Harry asks as he take a sip of his berry mix mojito. "It's good." I reply. "Refreshing right? Tom was right about taking you outside tonight." He says. I stop on my tracks. "Wait. Tom told you to take me outside? Why? Why didn't he do it?" I ask with a slight pout.

"He did try but hey, you look all refreshed now. Yeah?" He says with a fake excited tone. "Yeah a bit. I want to go home now." I say.

-Tom's P.O.V-

I groan echoed through the living room with the sound of y/n'a heels touching the floor. I chuckle to myself before finishing off the last page of the script. All read 5 times tonight.

"Y/n?" I call out as I clear the mess on the bed. No reply. After 15 minutes Of no reply, I poke my head out of the room just to see her head resting on the arms of the sofa. I smile to myself as I walk back into finish making the bed when I heard a moan. I stop on my tracks with wide eyes as I hear y/n moan my name out loud.

Making my way towards the sofa, I knelt down staring at her. Waiting for her to moan my name again. Maybe I should take a video of it to tease her. As I got up I stumble on her shoes making me trip on her.

"Tom?" Y/n speaks confused as I had myself in a weird position. "What are you doing?" She asks. I sit next to her. Staring at her half asleep face as she waited for my answer. "Um, nothing." I reply in the end. "Okay. I'm going to bed." She says getting up. "Wait. Maybe you want to.. um.. you know?" I suggest. "Tomorrow morning?" She suggests instead. "Guess you got it from your wet dream." I tease. "Wait what?" She asks shocked. "You were moaning my name in you sleep." I say poking her nose. "No I wasn't." She replies as she held her head low.

"You are blushing." I say with a huge smile. "Well maybe because they are the color of lipsticks you use." She replies with a cheeky smile before leaving. Not quiet the answer I was thinking of either. "Y/n, you take that back." I call out following behind her as she replies with a loud no.

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