"Autumn Dates!"

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Day 1
"Where are we going today?" You ask excited as Tom drove on the empty road with the tall trees full of changing colour. "Orchard. We are going apple picking today." Tom says kissing the back of your palm. "Old fashioned and sweet." You say.

"I thought we could try making apple pies this time." Tom says walking hand in and with you through the orchard. "I like apple pies more." You say picking up an apple and putting it in the basket.

Once you got the amount you needed, you both drive back home. "Let's start up making the pie!" Tom says excited. "I'll start with the dough." You say picking up the bowls and cups you need. "I'll wash the apples and start to cut them up." Tom says.

After a while he sits bored of cutting the apples. "In my head this wasn't so hard." He says to which you chuckle. "You should try cooking more." You say teasing him. "I don't know how you do all that." He says.

Once the pies were popped in the oven Tom had prepared a small movie time in the living room. Lights dim and a big comfy blanket covering up the sofa. "Horror movie night one." He says hitting play once you were settled under the comfort of the blanket. Tom was in charge of checking up on the pies.

"Tonight I'm preparing you a lovely dinner. Pumpkin risotto and Rosemary salmon." Tom says as you say by the kitchen island admiring him as the radio played music from the 70s. The dinner preparation was filled with laughter of Tom wanting help more than he had planned to and dancing around the kitchen.

Day 2
"Today we are going to the corn maze and pumpkin picking later." Tom says parking his par by the entrance.

"Its so tall." You say looking up the corn maze. "Hold my hand. I don't want you getting lost." Tom says holding onto your hand tight. "It's a very children of the corn vibe." You say. "Yeah. It's haunted." Tom says joking. "Wha- what?" You ask. "Really." He says with great confidence. "Nop. You yourself would be scared by now." You say joking back.

After the corn maze, you and Tom were at the pumpkin patch picking up pumpkins to make jack-o-lanterns and pies. "I like this one." You say picking up a small pumpkin. "Isn't that a bit small?" Tom asks as he carried a pumpkin bigger than a football. "It looks cute." You say to which Tom chuckles.

Back at the apartment it was time to make jack-o-lanterns. "Let's make it a contest. We post to see which one people like the most." Tom says. "Let's start!" You say picking up the knife to carve it.

When the results came out you had won and Tom sits pouting like a child.

Day 3
You wake by around noon confused to why Tom had let you sleep for long. Freshening up you walk around the place trying to find Tom. "Tom!" You call out to hear him faintly respond to you from the backyard. "I piled up all the leaves. I tried to punch out hearts from it but I'm tired." Tom says who was laying on a pile of leaves. You jump next to him making more leaves scatter around the backyard.

"Wanna have a movie marathon and enjoy snacks all day?" He asks. "I would love that." You say with a smile.

"As soon as I feel like getting out of these pile of leaves." Tom says who seemed to be very comfortable.

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