"Peter!!" [Infinity War: Part 2]

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You wake up to a car pulling up against a familiar building. You could barely keep your eyes open from crying so much. Steve have drove you to your apartment.

"If you need anything just call me." He says standing in front of your door. His voice low and his body weak. "Thank you." You say as he gives you a hug. He nods his head before walking to his car.

With hesitation you open the door. The familiar scent of Peter's clothes laying around filled the room faintly. A soft smile spreads across your face with the thought. You didn't know where he was but you hoped he was fine and that he would come back soon. To you.

You wake up to your phone ringing. Standing up straight you picked up the call from Peter's aunt. "Hi Y/n, is Peter there? He isn't picking up his phone." Se asks worried. "Um, yeah. It's just been a very busy field trip. You want me to take a message?" You ask. "Tell him to call me." She says. "Actually um, he lost his phone." You lie. "Oh. Could you maybe ask Ned?" She asks. "I'll try. Bye." You say hanging up. You sigh knowing you have to come up with a lie to tell Aunt May. The field trip was for 3 days and it has already been 3 days. You couldn't just tell his Aunt he flew off in a spaceship with some wizard guy.

You lay in bed for the rest of the day thinking and crying. Too weak to get off the bed to eat or do anything. You missed him dearly.

"Y/n its me." You hear Ned on the other side of the door. You groan to yourself as you get up to answer the door. "You look terrible. What happened? Where is Peter?" He asks making his way inside.

"He's gone." You say sadly. "What do you mean he is gone?" He asks. "He went off into space in a spaceship and I saw my best friend get disintegrated and I don't know what or where Peter is." You say starting to cry. "One thing at a time. Breath." He says making you sit down.

You explain what has happened to Ned and he agrees to help you tell Aunt May an excuse for Peter's disappearance. "We could build a clone of him. Like a robot." Ned says to which you look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Can you?" You ask. "No." He says looking down at his note pad. "We can say he went on an internship. Maybe a long one." You say. "If she asks." Ned says to which you nod.

"Where. Where are we?" Peter asks struggling to get up. His head hurting terribly. "You alright kid?" Doctor Strange asks. "Yeah. I think so. Where are we?" He asks standing up and looking around. The whole place looking deserted and similar to where he was before. "Maybe another planet. Another dimension? I don't know." Strange says. "Mr. Stark!!" Peter yells as he looks around. "He's not here kid." Strange says sadly. "We have to work to go back to them. They would need us soon." Peter nods agreeing to Doctor Strange. He teams up with the others who have been trapped there.

"I miss her so much." Peter says as he sat down feeling tired. "I'm sure she will be waiting for you." Strange says. He felt that he had to look after Peter since Tony wasn't there. "What if I'm trapped here forever? What if she finds someone else. What if we never go back and I never get to be with her. Buy a house. Get married and have kids." Peter says almost in tears. "Then you have to work harder to get to her soon." He says patting Peters shoulder.

You haven't gone to work in months. Well the diner was destroyed and you didn't have a job anymore. You couldn't help but stare at the sky to see any sign of anyone. Everyone else was devastated as you were. They had all decided to take a break. No one knowing what to do anymore. Steve would call you up a few times a week to check up on you.

Your thoughts gets interrupted with your phone ringing. "Hello?" You say greeting Steve. "Tony is back!!" He says. You hung up the call immediately as you run out of the apartment to see him.

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