45. Rants

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"I want Daddy!!" Emily cries as I struggle to get her to sleep. "Honey I know but daddy is busy tonight." I say. "He's always busy." She says pouting while she crossed her tiny arms. "Why don't you sleep with mommy tonight? When daddy comes I will tell him to sleep next to you." I try again. She shakes her head. Recently she just rants about how Tom is never home and how she can't go out to have fun like other girls.

I call up Tom to see if if he can come home early. No response. "Emily, its really late now. You can talk to daddy in the morning." I say. She shakes her head no again. "Come here." I say carrying her as I slowly walk around hoping she would fall asleep. Soon after she fell asleep and I put her to bed.

"Babe, I'm home." Tom says shaking me by the shoulders. I had fallen asleep on the sofa waiting for him. "Emily is ranting again." I say half asleep. "I'll talk to her in the morning. Get some sleep." He says kissing my forehead.

"Emily, want to watch a movie today?" Tom asks as he munch on the breakfast. No response. "Or we could go to the park." He says again. Still no response. She eats her breakfast in silence before telling me to meet her in the kitchen. "Momm, I want to go to the park with daddy." She says with her eyes looking up at me. "Why don't you go tell daddy then." I say smiling. "You tell him." She says again. "Well daddy asked you so you have to go tell him." I say. She slowly nods her head as she walks to the table.

"Daddy I want to go to the park." She softly whispers. "Sorry what?" Tom asks as he pretends he didn't hear what she said. She put her on his lap. "I want to go to the park." She says playing with her fingers. "Well why dom't you go get ready to go." Tom says smiling. "Now?" She asks confused. "Yeah why not?" Tom asks. "Okay." She says excited as she runs off to get ready. "Problem solved honey." He says kissing me. "I'm gald you took some time off." I say smiling.

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