63. Bad hair day

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"Y/nn!!" I hear Tom scream as he walks towards the kitchen. "Morning babe." I say as I see him stand infront of the kitchen table rubbing his eyes like a little kid. "This." He says pointing at his hair. "Yes. It looks lovely." I say putting down my cup of morning tea. He frowns sitting across me. "It's all messy and I have an interview today." He says playing with his hair. "I'm sure it will be alright before that." I say. He leaves the table frowning.

After I finished having my breakfast and daily doze of reading my magazine I head towards the bedroom. I stand by the doorway watching Tom struggle with the hair straightner. He curses every few minutes when he can't get it done right. "Need help?" I ask. He shrieks with my voice before turning all red. "Why didn't you ask me to help?" I ask playing with his hair to fix it. "Itwasthisgirlythingtodo." He mumbles. "Hmm?" I say. "It was a girly thing. Okay." He says. His head hung long. "You get berry lipbalm on everyday though." I say chuckling. He purses his lips together ignoring to look at me. "No." He replies softly. "Yes you do Tom. It tastes like it." I say finishing off the hair. "Done."

"It actually looks better than before." He says admiring himself in the mirror. "Thanks babe." He says. "Suure." I reply. I watch him play with his hair several times before leaving to make lunch.

"Y/n!!" Tom's scream echoed through the apartment. "Yeah?" I call out walking towards the room. "What did you do now?" I ask as he sat on the bed pointing at his hair and pouting. "It got messed up again." He says. Couple of my hair clips and a bandana was on the bed. I cross my arms staring at it and back at him. "Well it looks really perfect so I wanted to see if it looked good with those too." He says. "How girly are you?" I ask. "I'm not girly." He says frowning again. "You were a thong." I say laughing. I start running as he makes his way towards me. "We don't talk about that Y/n!!" He says pulling me down to the floor with him.

"Hello, children." Harrison greets us as we stay tangled on the floor. "Nice hair Tom." He says before walking towards the sofa. "Really?" Tom asks excited. "So it's nice when he says it?" I ask pouting.

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