Apologies with mini hugs and kisses [Requested]

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Tom had a frustrating day at work. He couldn't get his stunts right and had to take several shots until he got them right. He was moody when when he arrived home.

Tom sighs as he hears his four year old daughter, Lilly, scream out with excitement with his arrival. "Hey petal." He says dropping his bag and opening his arms for Lilly to hug onto him. "It's past your bed time." He says as she rests her head on his shoulder. Her small hands wrapped around his neck. "I know but you promised you'd read a story to me tonight." She says.

You come out of the room pulling your hair into a messy bun. "She was waiting for you to get home." You say walking towards them. "Well daddy's really tired right now so how about I read you a story tomorrow night?" He suggests. Lilly stays quiet for a while.

You walk past them to the kitchen to prepare some dinner for Tom. "Should we do that?" Tom asks again. "But you said that last night and the night before that too." Lilly says sad. Tom sighs in frustration putting her down on the sofa.

"Will you read a story?" She asks. "Lilly, I'm very tired. So please, I'll tell you a story tomorrow night. Just ask mommy for a story tonight. Okay? Okay." He says raising his voice and making his way to the bedroom.

You put away his dinner knowing he would not be in a mood to eat anymore. You walk into the living room to see Lilly curled up like a ball on the sofa. "Hey, love. Let's go to bed now. Yeah?" You say caressing her tear stained cheeks.

"Is daddy mad at me?" She asks as you tuck her into bed. "He isn't mad. He just had a bad day at work." You say wiping her tears. "You good?" You ask to which she nods her head.

You walk back into your shared bedroom with Tom to see him fast asleep. Since you wasn't that sleepy, you decide to sit in the living room to do some work on your laptop.

Tom suddenly jumps up with fright. He softly curses to himself as he gets up from the bed and rushing to Lilly's room. You turn around on your seat to see a frantic Tom run into Lilly's room mumbling things to himself. Worried, you run towards her room.

Tom sits on her small bed picking on the lose strands of hair covering her face. He rubs her head smiling to himself knowing that she is safe. Safely at home with him. He leans in kissing her forehead.

"You alright?" You ask softly standing by the door frame. Tom looks towards you and back at Lilly. He nods his head getting up and walking out with you into the living room. "What happened?" You ask as he sits next to you with a glass of water. "I had terrible dream that Lilly died in an accident." He says holding his tears. "I feel so bad for raising my voice at her." He says. "Hey, it was just a dream. She is down but she understands your busy schedule. She just didn't like it when you always kept saying tomorrow night, tomorrow night and it never comes." You say. "I'm a terrible father." He says putting his head down on the table feeling defeated. "You're not. You can make her favourite for breakfast tomorrow." You suggest. He lifts his head up giving you a look. You knew exactly what the look meant and you glare at him. "Alright. I'll stay for breakfast." He says. "You mean you'll make breakfast." You say correcting him as you gather the works on the table before heading back to sleep. "C'mon. Let's go to bed now." You say.

"Mommy. Mommy wake up." You wake up to Lilly poking on your cheeks. "What is it love?" You ask. "I smell yummy food. Can we go have breakfast." She asks. "Yeah. Why don't you go first. I'll get ready and join you. Yeah?" You say. She was hesitant to go alone at first but you convinced her otherwise.

"Hungry?" Tom asks as she sees Lilly standing by the kitchen entrance playing with her small fingers. She nods her head replying to him. Tom places a pancake in her plate before lifting her up and putting on the high chair. "Syrup?" He asks. She nods her head again.

Tom joins her at the table with his own plate of food. "Daddy's really sorry about last night. I promise I'll try to come home early to tell you a story. Alright?" He says looking at the 4 year d who had her mouth covered in syrup. She nods her head with her mouthful. "You are not going to talk to me?" He asks. She shakes her head pointing at her mouth. He chuckles with her response.

"Enjoying breakfast?" You ask as you see them both at the kitchen table. "Yes." Lilly says softly. "Where's for mommy?" You ask taking a seat next to Lilly, in front of Tom. "Here's for you." Tom says placing a plate of pancakes with berries and syrup. "Fancy." You say looking at his art done on the plate. "I'm off to work. Love you." He says kissing Lilly's forehead. "Love you too daddy." She says. "And I love you too." He says leaving a quick kiss on your cheek.

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