"From Heathrow to JFK" [Requested]

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You loved traveling but long haul flights were always a boring thing when you have to travel alone. You were currently waiting at Heathrow waiting to get on the plane. Sadly it has gotten delayed and you frown at yourself. You put your playlist on shuffle and Heathrow by the Catfish and the Bottlemen begins to play.

You plan out what you wanted to do on the plan. Watch a movie? Obviously.

Soon you were able to get on the plane and take small steps to walk to your seat with the huge line in front of you. Softly grunting every time someone pushed you by their handbag you managed to your seat. A window seat like you had suggested.

You put on your seatbelt and adjusted the small pillow behind your back. Your small handbag tucked under the seat in front you. You browse through the movie guide on the small screen in front of you. You leave out a squeal as you find Spiderman Homecoming was on it. You immediately hit play and put on the headphones.

The movie gets paused as the captain begins to speak. You feel some motion on the seat next to you but you paid no attention and let that person settle down in his seat. You look out of the window to see the plane slowly moving.

Once the plane has taken off you resume to watch the movie. You were flying back home to the US after enjoying a nice vacation in London.

You quietly fangirl every time Peter Parker appeared on the screen. As the scene with him in his boxers and Ned finding out he is spiderman you let out a loud squeal making you cover your mouth with both hands out of embarrassment. You heard the person next to you giggle but you didn't want to look towards him with a blushing face.

Little did you know who was seated next to you. A soft tap on your shoulders and you turned around to meet Tom Holland. "Hello." He says with a bright smile. He was trying to look cool and not laugh. You on the other hand had your cheeks turning red. "That was so embarrassing." You say hiding your face. "It was cute." You hear him say. Feeling too awkward to watch the movie again you close it. "Aren't you going to finish watching that?" He asks pointing towards the screen. "No it's fine. I've seen is a thousand of times." You say to which you mentally facepalms.

"So, you live in the US or just visiting.?" He asks starting up a conversation. "I live there. Was in London for vacation." You say. "Sad that I didn't get to meet this beautiful girl while she was in London." Tom says with his smile again. You give him a smile in return.

You and Tom chats the entire flight and exchange numbers before leaving the airport.

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