66. Ooops

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-Tom's P.O.V-

Interviewer: "So Tom, there have been very romantic pictures of you and Y/n flowing around the internet lately. How have things been going with your busy schedule? Is she very understanding?"
Tom: "Everything is going alright. She is amazing. We both got busy schedules actually but we are both understanding, so it's nice."
Interviewer: "Any further plans ahead?"
Tom: "Well, I'm planning to propose to her soon. I-"

I cover my mouth with my palm immedietly with the too much information I just gave. I could see Harrison face palming from the corner of my eye.

Tom: "Pretend that no one heard that."

I say with a chuckle. I could sense Harrison all done with me.

Interviewer: "Well it's a live interview so it's too late for that now."

He says as my eyes go wide. I have messed up so much.

"Well done, Thomas." Harrison says as I walk away from the live set. "I want you to go home and make sure Y/n doesn't find out anything about this. Okay?" I tell Harrison as I prepare for my next event on the schedule.

-Y/n's P.O.V-

"Hello Harrison." I greet him as he stand weirdly by the door. "What's up?" I ask as I make way for him to walk to the sofa. "Um, can I burrow your phone to call someone? I can't seem to find my phone." He asks. "Yeah sure. Here." I say handing my phone to him.

I sit at the table on my laptop editing my blog post for the day. "Nothing good on the TV?" He asks walking back to the sofa out of nowhere. "I don't know. Just needed some quietness for my mind." I say not taking my eyes off the laptop screen. I could feel Harrison's frozen glaze at me. "What?" I ask confused. "Um, I'm bored." He says. "Can you give me a minute to edit this first?" I ask. "Can I edit?" He offers. I stare at him thinking what has gotten into him. Before I could ask his phone starts to ring from his jeans pocket. "Um, isn't that your phone ringtone?" I ask slightly pointing my finger towards him. "No. That's not mine." He says. "I don't have a batman ringtone, Harrison." I say raising an eyebrow at him. He reaches for his pocket pulling out his phone. "Oh can you believe that? Here's my phone." He says excited. "Oooookay." I slowly reply.

"After you are done can I burrow your laptop?" He asks after a while. "Um, okay. Sure. I'm almost done." I say as I edit the last sentence of the article. "Here." I say as I got up to stretch my legs.

I sit at the table grabbing the remote from the coffee table I rememberd about Tom's interview. "Haz, how did Tom's interview go? Is it over now? They will show a repeat of it right?" I ask them all at once as I switch through the channels. "It went good. Can we go make some food?" He asks. "I do feel hungry too." I say. I switch off the TV and head towards the kitchen. Harrison following behind me.

"What's up with you today? Caught butterflies on the set?" I ask chuckling. "I wish but no." He says changing his expression in between. "Alright." I reply as I start to prepare the sandwich. "Wait, my phone is ringing." I say putting back the slice of bread on the plate. "I'll get it!" Harrison screams jumping off the chair and running to the living room. "It's Tom's mom." He says handing the phone to me.

"Hello?" I say as I try to prepare to make the sandwich with my free hand. "Excited about what?" I ask confused. At that Harrison's eyes went wide in shock as he takes the phone out of my hand. "HARRISON!!" I yell at him. After ending the call he calmly keeps it down replying a, "Yeah?" "What is going on?" I ask frowning. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." He replies as he carried on the sandwich.

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