Chapter 11: You Feel Okay?

Start from the beginning

Mari gave a shaky exhale and nodded. "You might not leave, Josh, but someone might take you from me."

"I'm never going to leave your side, no matter what," Josh said firmly. "I promise."


"Logan's crying again!" Matt shouted. "Where's his pacifier?"

"In here, Hon," Catherine sighed. "He's probably just sore from the shots."

"I feel like I haven't slept in weeks," Matt whimpered as he entered the bedroom, running a hand through his hair and placing Logan on the bed.

Catherine followed him in with Charlotte in her arms. "Why don't you get some sleep now? I have to run out. I was going to go check on the coffee shop. I can take just the kids with me. It's really no big deal."

"I can't ask you to do that," Matt sighed.

"Babe, you need your sleep," Catherine nodded. "I'll take the twins and give you some peace."


Mari pulled the sweater tighter over her shoulders. "Do you have to go? Can't they record without you? Vienna seems so far away."

"It'll only be a week, Darling," Josh sighed, kissing her forehead. "I'll miss you."

"You have your phone?" Mari asked softly as the taxi pulled up.

Josh nodded. "I'll see you soon, my love."

"Corny, but I'll allow it," Mari said with a broken laugh, pulling him in for a kiss.

Josh smiled down at his wife and kissed her tenderly. "I love you so much."

"Come back soon," Mari smiled as he climbed into the car.


Almost three in the morning.

Mari sighed and pushed her hair out of her face.

It was her first night without Josh. Why was it making her so upset? He'd be back home in no time.

Quickly, she dialing Cath's number. "Hey," she sighed. "You have any freezer dumplings?"

"I think so. Why?"

"If I don't have dumplings, I'm gonna literally die."

"Mari," Cath said slowly, "didn't you say that you were late?"

"Relax, it was just one day! I've been right on time for every rehearsal since I was eighteen. Besides, it was the bus's fault, not mine."

"That's not what I'm talking about," Catherine sighed. "Look, you've been getting sick every morning for the past three weeks, you said that you were late, and now you're calling me in the middle of the night and asking for dumplings. Hon...I think you might be pregnant."

Mari felt a sick pit drop in her stomach. "Haha. Very funny, Cath. But no. I haven't been sick. I've just been tired. I'm always late, and let's be real, I'm always down to eat a pot full of dumplings."

"Listen, I'm coming over tomorrow and you're taking a test. Remember, I've been there before. I was feeling the same way before I found out I was pregnant with the twins."

"Cath, I'm not," Mari said sternly. "And that's that, okay? No need for tests or freaking out. I'll be by in five to get the dumplings."

"Have you and Josh...ya know...gone past the point of no return?" Catherine asked awkwardly.

"Catherine Collins, shut up!"

"I'm just saying, if you have, pregnancy is a legitimate concern here."

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