Chapter 42

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Jungkook didn't want to go, didn't want to embark on a journey that would either get them killed or imprisoned. Nothing was guaranteed, but at least they weren't leaving alone, each of them with a companion or two.

They've been deciding their course of action for two weeks, their plans are all laid down and - they hoped - foolproof. They'd also chosen who accompanied them.

He chose Taehyung, of course. He isn't going to be separated from the witch and neither would he allow it. He's grown overly attached but none of them was complaining.

"Do you think we'll survive this?" Taehyung sighed at the question, pulling Jungkook closer to him until he was laying on top of his chest.

"We have to. I've only now found you, I'm not going to lose you." Warmth bloomed in his stomach and he looked up at the witch, a small smile playing on his lips.

"You're not going to lose me. I'll be with you through everything." Jungkook's face started shifting, not completely, but enough to almost match Taehyung's and the witch scrunched his face up.

"You're either doing this to get a rise out of me or you really don't know you're doing it." The fairy hybrid giggled and changed his face back to his normal one. He's been getting better, Aesook, Kaeyoung and Junho made sure he didn't lose a single day of training ever since he came back. They said with a few more weeks, he'll have enough control over his powers, if not completely.

"You still like me." He got on top of Taehyung - specifically his stomach - making sure he didn't crush the witch as he placed his legs on both sides of him.

Taehyung shifted to get comfortable, placing his hands on Jungkook's thighs and the fairy hybrid keened. He leaned down, pressing gentle kisses on Taehyung's cheek.

"Taehyung...kiss me."

The witch didn't need to be told twice, he lifted his head up slightly and pushed their lips together. Jungkook felt goosebumps spread through his body and he fisted Taehyung's shirt.

They stayed like that for a few more seconds, neither of them moving, just savoring the soft feeling of each other's lips.

Slowly, they parted and Jungkook sighed against his Taehyung's lips before laying his head on the other's chest.

Taehyung stroked his hair, hoping the fairy hybrid doesn't notice how frantically his heart was beating.

"Goodnight, Taehyung."

"Goodnight, Jungkook."


The next day, they departed early morning after eating breakfast. The first specie they were going to persuade were the witches.

One of the reasons because they had Taehyung, his grandfather was one of the oldest amongst the witches and they would listen to them if one of the older witches thought they were worth listening to.

"What's the location of your house?" Taehyung turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"A village just outside the outskirts of Daegu. We have to make sure they never suspect witches exist again or witch hunting might become a thing again." Jungkook's lips puckered in a pout but he shrugged, he understood, of course he did. Creatures have been in hiding ever since humans came into the world and ruined their peace.

Jungkook opened a portal and they stepped through quickly. The village wasn't visible immediately, as he had expected. Taehyung placed his hand inside a tree hole, pulling out a powder bag that he sprinkled over him and Jungkook.

The houses of the village came into view and Jungkook looked around in awe. The houses were all identical except for color, those ranged from light brown, white and burned red in different patterns and shades. They were all beautiful in their own way.

"Which one is your house?" Taehyung pointed at a white house with light brown roof. It was simple and that was made it nice.

The witch was slightly annoyed that Jungkook wasn't moved as much as he was when meeting the fairy's family and the other laughed at him.

"You're such a dummy." He kissed his cheek quickly before anyone saw them. Many witches weren't out and about, only a few. Taehyung said it was because on days when they weren't working, instead of going out like other species, they stayed at home and relaxed.

"Come on." Taehyung pulled Jungkook along with him, soon they were standing in front of the house and the witch knocked on the door, if his banging could be called knocking.

The door opened to show a beautiful woman, long brown hair that was tied in a lazy bun, her face was youthful with icy blue eyes just like Taehyung's. They widened when she saw them.


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