Chapter 8

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"Our PE classes are together?!" Jungkook's jaw dropped open as Namjoon handed him his clothes.

"It's a good way to get to know the others since we can't in our classes. PE isn't just about running around and kicking a ball like the humans do, it's about working together with the other species." The younger fairy batted his wings and raised an eyebrow.

"What about the giants?" Namjoon grinned and flew away.

"Which is why I told you it's a good way to try and not cut each other's throats out. Usually the pixies help everyone fly so the stomping of the giants doesn't affect us."

"Namjoon!" They both turned and saw a brown haired boy with a heart smile running towards them. The fangs protruding from under his lips implied that he's a vampire but the tab on his skin implied otherwise. It made Jungkook curious which was usually a bad thing. So unless this vampire has recently drank a huge amount of blood, his skin being this tan isn't normal.

"Ah, Hoseok-hyung-" The vampire - Hoseok - jumped and hugged the fairy and Jungkook couldn't help snorting, which got the attention of Hoseok.

"New fairy? In the name of fangs, I thought the fairy population of the school was going to be the same every year but hey, would you look at this! Maybe there's still a chance you won't go extinct!" Jungkook and Namjoon both rolled his eyes at the vampire. The fairy population of the world wasn't so little though, in fact, it was one of the most because of the amount of children they had. It was a miracle he only had an older brother.

Most fairies had at least 5 other siblings besides themselves, Namjoon also had a little sister a Level lower than them.

"Oh sorry, where are my manners? I'm Mi-Jung Hoseok, pleasure to meet you." Jungkook shook the vampire's hand and kept wondering about that slip up. It looked like he was about to say 'Min'. There was something strange about this one vampire.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you too." But before he could ask and make things awkward, the bell rang signaling them to get to class quickly or they'll be given detentions.

And with that, they all ran to the gym.

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