Chapter 5: I Miss Him

Start from the beginning

Catherine sighed. "Alright."

"Run it under cold water," Matt sighed. "Really, Cath, you have to be more careful."

"On the bright side, I can commit a crime without leaving fingerprints," Catherine grinned.

"Not funny."

"It's a little funny." Catherine went and quickly ran her fingers under cold water and then changed for her appointment. "Ready, Babe?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Matt sighed.

The couple got in the car, which had been fixed about a week prior, and Catherine brought up the subject of names. "We should each make lists of the names we like."

"Names?" Matt said with a frown. "We have to name them?"

"Not right away," Catherine chuckled, "but we will."

"I suppose so," Matt mumbled. "That's a big decision."

"Yes, it is," Catherine sighed. "I've already got a few ideas though. What do you think of the name Halston for a girl?"


"What?" Catherine laughed.

"Halston sounds like hailstorm," Matt said pointedly. "They'll tease her. We need a tease-free name."

"As if there is one," Catherine scoffed. "I have other options. Like maybe Charlotte for a girl, after my sister."

Matt smiled softly. "A girl would be nice."

"Yeah," Cath nodded. "I think one of each would be good. Honestly though, I'm fine with whatever we have."

"Right," Matt sighed. "Both have horrors and good things, I suppose."

Catherine nodded.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital. After an examination and a blood test, a technician took the couple into a room for the ultrasound.

Tears welled in Cath's eyes as the two babies appeared on the screen. "Wow," she sighed. "Those are our kids."

"That's crazy," Matt laughed, fighting back tears.

Catherine grasped his hand. "I love you, Baby...I can't believe we're going to be parents."

Matt tried to hold back tears, failing terribly. "I never thought I could dream to again, but- but here we are."

Catherine reached over and wiped a tear from his cheek. "Matt, are you happy?"

"Indescribably happy," he laughed, kissing her hand.

"Alright, everything's fine," the technician smiled. "I'm assuming you'll want a copy of this?"

Catherine nodded and sat up, hugging her husband tightly. "We did it, Babe," she said softly. "Thanks for coming with me."

"L names," Matt said abruptly. "L names for sure."

"I think we can work that out," Catherine smiled.


On the car ride home, Cath said, "You know, Carlos's middle name is Logan. If we have a boy, that's what we could name him."

Matt paused for a moment and closed his eyes for a brief second before remembering that he was driving. "Yes. They would like that."


"Yep," Matt nodded, his eyes fixed on the road.

"'They' who?" Catherine laughed.

"The children," Matt said as if it were blatantly obvious.

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