An Unexpected Traveler

Start from the beginning

"Good evening miss." He has a pleasant silvery voice.

"Good evening." I reply cautiously. He could strike at me anytime, so I keep an eye on his hands and weapon.

"And where is a girl like you heading off to at this time of night?" He asks.

"I'm not sure if that is any of your business, I mean no offense but we are travelers and must take cautious steps." I reply.

"Very true, you are a smart woman and I see you are well armed. " He chuckles.

"Yes and I have every intention of using each blade if I have to." I reply.

He smiles a golden smile. Which has me blushing harder than I ever had before.

"Well hopefully you don't have to use them on me." He winks.

"And where are you headed to?" I ask knowing he will most likely give me the same response I gave him.

"To Lesterose, I'm looking for someone."

"Oh? That is where I came from. I may be able to point you in the right direction. Who exactly are you looking for?" I immediately regret spewing forth all of that information.

"A woman" His smile turns into a sly grin."with golden hair-like yours, green eyes-like yours, and carries a dragon's heart around her neck." he pulls out his lance.

I could feel the little hairs stand on end after each description he said. He can see it in my eyes. I draw my sword and leap off my horse. I slap midnight in the ass sending him running into the middle of the field beside us. The man does the same.

We are at a stand still, both in a fighting stance waiting for the first move. I draw mana from my stone connecting my mind with my book. This is all new to me but seems to be working as the book guides my thoughts. I ask for a flame spell to light my sword. I say the incantation.

"immisso igne flammae ignit!"

My sword bursts into flames lighting it up. I can see him more clearly now. I twirl my blade in my hands and he takes a slight step back.

"A mage who wields a sword? I've never seen such a thing! This is going to be interesting."
He chuckles.
He lunges at me fast! His lance held high as he brings it down on me. I defend with my sword and the flames lick his face, he turns his head away and pushes my sword back. I come at him low swinging horizontally and he blocks, the minute our blades touch I have spun around to his side and send an elbow into his ribs. He grunts and jumps back.

"Well done lady Brianna. You've exceeded your reputation already." He shakes it off.

"You haven't seen anything yet!" I laugh.
I attack him again and he readies his lance for the strike. I take two running steps and leap into the air bringing my sword down on him. He defends and spins low around to my back then shoves me forward with his shoulder. I stumble to catch my footing and he is already at my front side slashing his lance blade at my face, I dodge leaping back and draw mana. This time using the same fire spell to make a fire bolt. I call forth the book and my hand ignites. I throw a raging ball of flame at his head. He barely misses it jumping to the side and doubling over his back.

He springs up, looks at me and smiles.
"That was a close one!" He says.
Then he runs at me slashing in all directions. I block every strike. We are moving around each other with our weapons flying in all directions. It was becoming more of a dance as we waltzed with my sword and his lance under the moonlight. Our strikes matched each other perfectly, if we were on the same side we would be an unstoppable pair. He was fast and had excellent form. His ability to switch from left to right handed wielding with no problems was astonishing and his lance skills were the best I've ever seen, he had me down a few times already. But what he lacked is what I major in, hand to hand close combat and grappling.

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