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ADELAINE FOUND HERSELF lying on the sidewalk, still in her long black dress. The inky black sky greeted her line of sight, and the lack of the moon and the clouds. After months of being cooped up inside the Outpost, it felt so good to finally breath in the air again and feel it blow her way weakly, cooling her body. The ginger missed being outside so much, without the radiation and the toxic air threatening to kill her. Maybe she didn't really like the Apocalypse as much as she thought. Also, her emphatic ability was also finally functioning properly again after the dreariness of the Outpost messed it up. She could taste all the emotions in the atmosphere with ease and when she recognized a flavor in her mouth that was so bitter and so familiar, she quickly headed towards the route to her apartment.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a younger version of herself walking home alone in the dark night, after a shift at the convenience store. Adelaine felt herself grew nervous. What if she can't stop her own death? What if she fails? Hiding by the trunk of the thick tree in the sidewalk, the breath hitched in her throat when she spotted the man with the gun pointed at her younger version. Taking a deep breath, the ginger concentrated on the gun and made it fly out of the man's hand with her mind. The stranger was shocked at first but he quickly recovered, making a move on her younger self. Adelaine acted quickly and light him on fire, his body quickly burning up. The younger version of her watched in astonishment and fear as her attacker screamed in agony, unable to move in her spot. As the flame slowly died down and the charred body of the man fell to the floor, Adelaine felt herself grew weak. It was probably because of the Tempus Infinituum spell and the use of her powers. Or maybe it was because in this time, Cordelia was still the reigning Supreme. As she watched the younger her ran towards the apartment, she knew that she had succeeded. She saved her past self from dying and maybe altered the course of the future. With that knowledge, she finally allowed herself to loose consciousness, the darkness swallowing her body whole.


ADELAINE WOKE UP ABRUPTLY, her head pounding like crazy and her body sore for some reason. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that she was not back in the Outpost, but in a familiar light blue room. Blinking her eyes a couple of times, the ginger reached for the phone in the nightstand, her body relaxing upon realizing that she's back in the present, in 2021. But it didn't seem like the world ended like it did before, judging by the bright sunlight seeping through her window and the chirping of birds outside. Adelaine felt the urge to cry as it finally sank in that she succeeded in not only saving herself, but the world as well.

But then the door to her room opened, and she quickly turned around, her brown eyes widening upon seeing Michael – her Michael. He looked a bit different dressed in normal clothes for once, a black button up and black pants. His blond hair was still long – reaching an inch past his ear – but not as long as how it was in the Outpost.

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