chapter twenty-five

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ADELAINE WOKE UP WITH A POUNDING HEADACHE, her throat parched. The darkness of her room in the Outpost greeted her, the candle barely illuminating the small space. Groaning, she slowly sat up, gripping her throbbing head as last night's events slowly returned to her memory. She bit her lip at the embarrassment that flooded back to her because she fainted in front of everyone, including Langdon. Or Michael. Her conscisouness bit back at her as she threw the sheet covering her body to the side.

She heard a knock on her door before it opened, her eyes landing on Mallory's gray uniform as the brunette entered the room with a glass of water in her hand. Her mouth almost watered upon spotting the glass, the dryness of her lips craving it. The ginger grabbed the glass from Mallory, taking a long sip of the clear liquid as soon as she raisd it up to her cracked lips.

"Thanks, Mallory," She managed to smile at the brunette as she placed the glass on the small beside table.

Mallory nodded her head as she licked her lips, "How are you feeling, Chanel? You got us all worried."

Chanel shifted in her seat, breaking eye contact, "I'm fine now. It must've been the snakes we ate that messed me up." She lied to dismiss the brunette's concern, but the Gray nodded her head again in response, accepting her answer.

"I really hope you feel better, Chanel," Mallory excused herself, smoothing down her dull uniform, "I'll see you later."

"Thanks again, Mallory." She called after the retreating figure of the brunette before she heard the door close.

As soon as they heard that she was awake, her sister Coco and Gallant immediately went into her room as she remained in the bed, trying to fight the surging pain of her head. The two immediately gushed over Langdon, especially Gallant, since he already had his interview with the mysterious newcomer.

"So, how are you feeling?" Coco asked, squinting her eyes at her sister, "I must admit, that was a clever move. You got everyone's attention, especially Langdon's."

Chanel frowned at the blonde's comment, "I didn't fake it. I really fainted."

"Yeah, right," Gallant looked at her like he was judging, his eyebrows raised. Did they really think that she had pretended to faint just to get Langdon's attention? She wasn't that type of person. But maybe she once was. The ginger couldn't really blame them for thinking that way.

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