chapter twenty-eight

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CHANEL FELT NUMB, her tongue unable to feel anything, as well as her body. Her last encounter with Langdon haunted her dreams, destroying any semblance of sleep she had left. When she looked at her torn dress hidden on the side of her closet, she was reminded that it wasn't a dream. She kept seeing his face everywhere, even though all she wanted to do was to hurt him like he had hurt her. But she couldn't. It was like a part of her cared for him even though she hardly knew him. The name Adelaine also wouldn't stop replaying in her head as she laid in her bed until morning came. He called her Adelaine. Langdon knew the woman in her visions and he thought he was her. Everything was so confusing at the moment.

The ginger didn't show up for the one meal-a-day gathering in the dining room. She refused to leave her room, spending most of her time contemplating and trying to figure out her life. All Chanel wanted was to find out about the truth and to confirm that she wasn't losing her mind. It's like there were two person living inside her body with all the clash of memories in her head. Gosh, she wished it would all stop. The ginger heard the knocks of her sister, Gallant, Timothy, Emily and Ms. Mead, but she ignored them all. They weren't the ones that's going to answer her questions anyway. Chanel just continued lying in bed, her brown eyes staring blankly at the dull ceiling. Her throat was parched and her lips were dry from the lack of hydration, but she couldn't feel it.

When night came (she wasn't sure if it was really night), Chanel decided to finally get out of bed to take a long, warm bath at the tub in her room. Her whole body felt sore from being in one position for hours and her head throbbed immensely. The ginger barely made out to the bathroom before her knees shook. The lack of food and water in her system had weakened her body but she couldn't care less.

As soon as the bath tub was filled with warm water, Chanel slipped off her thin white nightgown and submerged her body into the oozing liquid. Smoke filled the bathroom and turned it foggy, obstructing her vision. The ginger squeezed her eyes shut as soon as she was fully under the water, trying to relax her strained muscles and maybe to catch some quick nap that would reduce the aching in her skull.

When Chanel opened her eyes, she was surprised to find herself in the same apartment in her memories, the one with peeling paint on the walls. She heard a familiar voice speaking by the door, much younger, yet still familiar. Following the sound, she was surprised to find a younger Michael with shorter hair (yet again the same Michael in her visions) pacing back and forth, seemingly waiting for someone. His blue eyes darted from the door in front of him to the wristwatch clasped tightly in his hands.

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