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Why do you want wipe out humanity so bad? You don't have to follow what your father laid out for you.

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ADELAINE HARROW IS AN EMPATH. Ever since she was young, she can taste people's emotions. When a living being gets too close to her, she can identify what they were feeling based on the taste lingering on her tongue. Negative emotions such as anger, hatred and jealousy give off a bitter flavor. Feelings of lust and seduction were spicy. Sadness and grief hold a salty taste. Pride, arrogance and such were sour in the mouth. While emotions of happiness, her favorite – gave off a sweet flavor.

Her ability made it hard for her to be around too many people, their emotions too overwhelming for her. So at the young age of 16, she already moved away from home and into her own – a small crappy apartment – and found a job in a local convenience store. She couldn't wish for anything else, until she saw an ad looking for a part-time house cleaner. Wanting to earn some extra cash, she takes on the offer, meeting the house-owner Constance Langdon and her eccentric grandson, Michael Langdon.

For some weird reason, Adelaine didn't taste anything when she stood next to the young boy – a mystery that she wanted to solve. Instead, he smelled of pine trees and sunshine, and before she knew it she found herself getting attached to Michael, despite Constance's warning.

It felt great to feel normal around someone for the first time in her life, and not to taste something in her tongue based on what they were feeling.

Little did she know that the blond boy with the bright blue eyes and a sweet smile will rip her away from any semblance of normality that she desperately craved, and once she gets closer to him and his darkness, there's no going back for her. 

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