chapter nine

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THAT NIGHT, ADELAINE LET MICHAEL watch movies in her room, his arms secured around her as they ate the snacks they bought in the store. She tried to keep him distracted with the playlist of comedy movies she made, but she knew it wouldn't last long. Constance's death will be brought up again, sooner or later. The ginger knew she had to be strong for the Langdon boy in case he breaks down like he did before. The more she spent time with him, the more she realized how the blond acted like a child. But sometimes he spoke like an adult. Maybe Michael had a strange condition, Adelaine thought, as she ran her fingers through his golden hair.

He didn't even complain at the smallness and crampiness of her small apartment when they first came, the blond's blue eyes briefly wandering around. She made him some dinner, just some simple soup and chicken, and he seemed to enjoy it. Then, Adelaine made her bedroom comfortable for them to binge watch some movies for the rest of the night. Michael's head rested on her lap as she ran her fingers through his messy curls, their eyes both trained on the 32 inched television. They were both quiet – the only sounds echoing in the room was the movie playing on the screen. The ginger glanced briefly at the empty gallon of ice cream and the multiple wrappers of chocolate bars on the floor, reminding her that she needed to clean the room when the blond finally falls asleep.

Michael suddenly lifted his body off of its resting position, his blue eyes looking into her brown ones. Adelaine gulped inaudibly when he pushed her orange hair to the side of her forehead, the Langdon boy examining the bump in her head. His eyes watered as he found what he was looking for, a look of pain and sorrow crossing his face. If the ginger could taste his emotions, she knew he was filling guilt at that moment.

"I'm sorry," He choked on a sob, sniffing gently, "I will never hurt you again. I can't bear to see you hurt."

He placed a hand on her cheek, forcing her to look into his eyes. The ginger clasped her hand around Michael's, squeezing it gently.

"I told you," She assured him, "It was an accident. It's not your fault." She carefully caressed his cheek, the blond's eyes closing upon the contact. A tear slid from his right eye down to his cheek, guilt seeping into Adelaine as she watched the tiny drop of water. She didn't like seeing him lonely, scared or hurt. That piece of her that always connected to people whenever she was close to them had already wrapped itself tightly around the Langdon boy. It was too late to back out and push away her connection towards him. Because if she did, she'll be devastatingly numb on the inside again.

Wiping the tear away, the ginger forced a smile as Michael opened his eyes. "How about I make you some hot chocolate?" she offered him gently, squeezing his hand again. "Would you like that?"

"No," Michael shook his head, wrapping his arms around her waist instead, "I don't want to be left alone. Please stay with me."

"Okay," She nodded thoughtfully, placing her gentle hands on top of his head. The ginger tried to focus on the movie playing on the television, but all she could think about was the boy in her arms. He was quiet now, but sometimes, she could still hear him sniffling here and there. A few minutes later, Michael was sound asleep. He was still clinging to her like a child to his mother, scared of letting her go. His warmth engulfed Adelaine's cold body like a seething furnace, but she didn't feel uncomfortable. Somehow, it calmed her down tremendously, soothing the energy brewing within her. The Langdon boy's unique scent also filled her room like a scented candle or an air freshener, lingering in the air and purifying it. She loved it. For once, her room didn't smell stale.

Adelaine quietly turned off the television, careful not to wake the blond boy up. He was peacefully, seemingly in a deep sleep. She hoped he wouldn't have any nightmares to wake him up. She hoped he will be alright. But as the ginger looked down at the angelic Michael in her arms, she wondered if she was alright. She had never felt so intimately close with anyone, not even Wilhelm. She always stopped herself before she felt any emotions, scared of what the outcome will be if it didn't end well. Maybe, the ginger wondered, she was fragile after all.


Adelaine hadn't slept well since she can remember. But when she woke up the next morning, she felt different. The ginger knew it was because of the boy sleeping next to her, his warmth radiating off of his body like was her own personal heater. His arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, her back pressed against his front. It felt oddly comfortable, despite the feeling being so foreign to her. Adelaine didn't let any man stay in her bed after a night with them, not even Wilhelm. She didn't like the awkwardness that lingered in the morning. The taste in her tongue was either spicy or bitter and she didn't know if she wanted to invade the men's thoughts like it was her own.

But it was different for the Langdon boy. She didn't even sleep with him, but there he was, sleeping next to her. As Adelaine craned her to glance at him, she noticed how peaceful and angelic he looked, his golden hair messy from sleep. Soft snores escaped his slightly parted lips, his eyelid squeezing slightly every now and then. Michael's lips were pouting a little bit, the ginger finding herself staring at it a longer than she'd hoped. She took a deep breath and pushed away the thoughts that suddenly invaded her mind. She didn't want to think about the blond boy that way. He was too innocent to get involved with someone like her. Shaking her head, she carefully lifted his arm that were wrapped around her waist.

Adelaine felt Michael stir as she glanced back at him, his blue eyes now wide open. There was a smile on his face as he looked into her eyes, causing her heart to flutter wildly in her chest.

"Good morning," She smiled back at him warmly, "Did you sleep well?"

The blond boy nodded his head excitedly, "Good morning, Adelaine. And yes, I slept really well. I didn't have any bad dreams tonight." He gently grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.

The ginger knew she was already blushing like crazy, but she tried to ignore it, "Well, that's good to hear. I'm going to make breakfast now."

Michael pulled at her hand, forcing her to lie back down. "Can we stay here for a while?"

Adelaine nodded her head. The Langdon boy's arms wrapped around her waist again, his head resting on her shoulder. Adelaine was surprised how much she enjoyed the closeness of their bodies, and the feeling of his arms securely wrapped around her like he wouldn't let go no matter what happened.

However as she laid in the bed with Michael, silence lingering in the air, she couldn't help but think that she couldn't get used to the feeling, because one day he'll leave her too. They always do.

And she knew that she couldn't lose the Langdon boy. Because of her ability, she didn't know if she will survive it.

But Adelaine didn't want to find out by risking everything.



i really miss Michael ugh

anyway, how do you like this chapter? thanks for the 2k reads! I'm going to update again next week

love bela xx.

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