chapter six

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THE FOLLOWING DAYS PASSED SLOWLY. Adelaine was distracted the whole week, her mind darting towards the Langdon boy every now and then. She dreamed about him once, crying himself to sleep. It bothered her so much that she wasn't able to focus, even at work. Richie noticed her seemingly distracted state, and her inability to smile.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Her co-worker asked her on Wednesday night, finally having had enough of her miserable state.

"Talk about what?" Adelaine tried to play coy, but her friend saw right through her. Richie stepped out of an aisle, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Really?" The dark skinned girl sighed, picking up a bag of chips, "If it's about that cute grandson you're crushing on, then you should know that he sounds like a keeper,"

"Richie, you haven't even met him yet."

Richie rolled her eyes playfully, "Girl, I'm not blind. I can see how he's making you happy,"

A smile made its way into Adelaine's lips as Michael's face flashed into her head, "It's not like that,"

Her co-worker carefully stacked the chips on the racks, "What, like how it is with Wilhelm? I don't know why you hate labels. Wilhelm seems like a good guy. He was wrapped around your finger, girl."

"I told you," Adelaine tucked a piece of hair on the back of her ear, "I hate getting attached, especially if I know it's not going to last,"

The ginger dated Wilhelm Bennett for six months, and their relationship was almost serious. But Adelaine didn't want to feel too attached to him because her empathy was telling her something about him, so she broke it off. Looking back at it now, she realized that she never loved him, not one bit. She was glad that she ended it before it became too hard for her.

"Well, aren't you a heartbreaker, Adelaine Harrow," Richie tsked her, "Let's just hope Mr. Grandson isn't one of your flings,"

Adelaine bit her lip as she shook her head, shivers going down her spine. She saw Wilhelm and Michael differently – Wilhelm was a lover, while Michael was more of a brother.

"Trust me," The ginger said with conviction, "He's not,"

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