chapter thirty-one

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MICHAEL'S PROTECTIVENESS OVER CHANEL increased significantly since she had gotten hurt. In fact, he wouldn't let her out of his room and insisted that she should sleep there. It was like the blond didn't care if the other residents of the Outpost caught them – all he wanted was to have her in his side, where she was safe. Honestly, the ginger wasn't a fan of overprotective guys, but Langdon was an exception. He made her feel safe. Chanel didn't see herself as a damsel in distress, but a part of her liked being protected by someone she loved once in her life. Michael was sweet and caring despite his ice-cold and calculating exterior – like a hard candy with a soft and sweet center. She couldn't believe that just a few days ago he looked like he was disgusted at her but now, he hated it when they were separated. Honestly, Chanel found the blond somewhat clingy, but she wouldn't complain. She loved knowing that she was the only one who got to see his soft side. He made her feel special, like she was a Queen. And honestly, the ginger loved it more than anything.

"Adelaine," Michael's worried tone snapped Chanel back to her senses. His hand rested on her chin as he gently caressed her busted lip, "Are you okay?"

Chanel nodded her head with a soft smile, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about some stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" The blond pushed back some of her untamed orange hair to the back as he stared at her face, "You're so beautiful, you know that right?"

The ginger looked away as a blush appeared on her cheeks, "I want to regain the rest of my memories," She glanced at Michael, frowning a bit, "Michael, I want to remember."

"Don't force yourself to remember, my love," He placed both of her hands on her two cheeks, "It's going to take a toll on you. I don't care even if you don't remember everything, as long as you're here with me."

Chanel chuckled a bit at the sincerity at his tone, "That sounded a little bit cheesy, but it's sweet," She grabbed Langdon's hands on her face gently, "But really though. I need to remember.

Michael sighed as he licked his lips, averting his gaze from her, "I know," He turned towards her again, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Chanel met his piercing gaze, "I'm sure."

"Very well then," The blond nodded his head in agreement, "Follow me."

Langdon's room was larger than what she had anticipated. It had a spacious room with no furniture except for candles scattered all over the place, illuminating the empty space. Michael closed the door behind them as they both entered, silence lingering between the two of them as the ginger swallowed.

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