Chapter 32

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Katsuki's pov:

I was running like crazy. When Kaminari spoke, I knew something was wrong. And not just that, why Kasminari was with Shoto? He said he is going to get some fresh air! Okay now is not the time! I reached the café when I heard a scream. The scream came from the ally next to the café. I rushed to the ally. My eyes widen by the sight...Kaminari was on Sero's lap while I could see blood on Kaminari's side. Kirishima had fall on his knees as his hands and body was shaking. I looked around and saw Shoto and Mina hugging each other while crying. Is Shoto wearing Kaminari's jacket?!I could see blood on Shoto's neck and shoulders. I saw another guy who was holding a bloody knife. That BASTARD! HE STABBED PIKACHU AND HURT MY FRIENDS AND MORE IMPORTENTLY, HE FUCKING HURT MY SHOTO!!! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THAT I'M GETTING REALLY PISSED!!

-YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I WILL KILL YOUUU! I aimed my hand at the guy and made a huge blast. The explosion threw the guy into a bin near the end of the ally. I was so angry that I could feel my whole body hot.

-BAKUBRO! G-good y-you came! Shitty hair stood up while trembling.

-K-kat-tsuk-ki? Shoto whispered. I turned to see him stood up and ran to me. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He pulled away as he took out his phone. I could see his small hands shaking. I took the phone from his hands and called an ambulance. Raccoon eyes knelt next to Pikachu as she removed her scarf from her neck to place it on Pikachu's wound. I was holding Shoto with one arm when my other was holding the phone, addressing the ambulance. They said that they would be here in two minutes.

-I'm s-s-orry. T-this i-is all m-my f-fault. Shoto burst into tears as he pressed his face into my chest.

-H-hey! This isn't your f-fault Todobro. Please, d-don't blame yourself okay? Shitty hair made his way to us. I looked and saw Kaminari's limp body on soy sauce's body. DAMN IT! I FEEL SO BAD FOR BEING LATE! Then, I could hear the sirens.

Time hospital

Me, shitty hair, raccoon eyes and soy sauce were sitting in the waiting room. They took Pikachu to the surgery room while they took Shoto to bandage his wound. I was biting my nails from anxiously. Shitty hair was patting my shoulder trying to calm me down. Soy sauce on the other hand, he was biting his bottom lips as he was holding his hairs. I could see tears in his eyes too. Raccoon eyes had her arms around his shoulder as she was saying things to him. Everything happened so fast...

-Mr.Bakugo? My thought were cut when I heard my name. I looked to see the familiar doctor Rafaela with Shoto next to her. Shoto had bandages around his neck. He was holding Pikachu's jacket on his hand. I stood up as Shoto walked to soy sauce.

-Sero, I'm sorry about everything. Shoto held a sob. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. Soy sauce looked up to Shoto's eyes. He gave us a smile which was filled with sadness.

-Todoroki, don't blame yourself okay? It's no ones fault. If it is, it's my fault. Kaminari would never blame you or any of us I know that! He hooked his fingers with each other.

-Can someone explain what exactly happened!? I asked.

-We'll explain later Bakubro. We all are still in shock from the incident. Shitty hair said. I sighed.

-How did you guys came there?

-Candy cane and us wanted to plan for something.

-Plan for what?! I felt Shoto shacking slightly.

-C-can we t-talk about it later, p-please!? Shoto whispered. I placed a kiss on his forehead. I really want to know what happened but right now, no one really wants to talk. Something is definitely wrong.

-Are you here for Denki Kaminari? We all turned to see doctor Rafaela.

-Yes! Soy sauce said as he stood up. ' How is he doc? Can we see him?'.

-He is stable for now. The wound wasn't that deep luckily. Although, he lost so much blood. We were able to transfer some of his blood type to him. He must stay here for a week at most. She finished with a deep sigh.

-Will he b-be okay d-doctor? Shoto asked.

-Yes Shoto-kun. He is very lucky! He will be okay if he stays here for a week. We all sighed in relief.

-Can we see him then? Soy sauce sure was impatient.

-Yes, but he is sleeping right now. He needs to rest. His room is room 104 on the second floor.

-Thank you doctor! Raccoon eyes said. Then we all headed to the second floor.

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