Chapter 11

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Katsuki's pov:

'To make a long story short, Recovery Girl came about a few minutes after the incident. She healed my father's hand then she healed Shoto. His three ribs were broken. Although she said that the healing effect will take a few days. She said that Shoto should rest at least for two days till his ribs fully recover. On the other hand, I had to go to school. First reason is that Shoto said  if both of us don't go to school, our grades will be lower than the other and we wouldn't learn anything. The second reason is, I'll take notes and gave them to Shoto. I'll be teaching him in those two days that he is staying home. My mother also said that while I'm gone, she will help Shoto and take care of him for me. I told my father that I'm gay and Shoto is my love. I thought that he would be disappointed but, I was wrong. Instead he teased me with his jokes that when will you to the THING! I would blush whenever he said thar. It's been only one day since the incident. Right now, I'm at school at class. My friends asked me a lot of question like what happened to Shoto or what happened to Endeavor. Even that fucking DEKU was pissing me off! I tried my best to not get mad and accidently use my quirk on them.'

At lunch time...

I'm sitting eating my sandwich with shitty hair, soy sauce and raccoon eyes. Pikachu wasn't with us the whole day because, he was spending time with earphone (Kyoka Jiro). Shitty hair said that he has a crush on her. What a couple they would be! Weird. . 

"Sooo Bakubro, how is Todoroki? Is he staying with you?" Shitty hair asked.

"Yes. Now would you STOP ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS! IT'S REALLY PISSING ME OFF!" I yelled as everyone'S attention turned to me which was normal for me. I took a deep breath and remembered what Shoto told me. . . 'Don't destroy your handsome face with the scowls. When you are about to get mad, remember me smiling at you! ' His soft voice was like a melody in my ears. A smile appeared on my face. 'Shoto DID really made me soft. '

"What are you smiling about Bakugoooo~?" Raccon eyes asked as she put her hands under her chin. I rolled my eyes without letting my smile fade.

"None of your fucking business." I said. She was about to say something when my phone rang. I looked at it and saw my kitten's number. I've saved him Kitten🐱❤️💙. I picked up.

"Hey kitten. How are you?" I asked, my voice completely calm. My friends were all looking at me and squealing like crazy fangirls. I rolled my eyes. I stood up up and left the cafeteria.

"H-hey Katsuki. I-I'm fine. Y-you?" 'Ohhh how much I love it when he is nervous and mumbling like a child.'

"I'm doin fine. How you doin?"

"I'm fine. Y-your mom is so kind." He giggled. His giggling made me smile.

"She is not like that always though!" I said while leaning against the wall.

"I never g-got to f-feel a m-mother's l-love."He said. 'Ahhhh DAMN IT! I MADE HIM SAD! He is so emotional! How could I be such an idiot to hurt his feelings! '

"Kitten, I'm sorry I didn't mean it! I..."

"It's not your fault Katsuki. At least, I h-have you." I could feel him chock a sob. I punched the wall. holding my anger. 'How can he be so innocent. How did I end up with such a kind and heart warmer person like him!? '

"Kitten listen, you have me and my family is also your family too! My mom is also your mom so as my father is also your father. My parents accepted me and supported me for being gay. I also told them about you. They didn't have any problem! My mother is a fangirl for gays to be honest! And my father loves you too!" When I finished, I heard the small giggles that I was waiting for. I want to see him happy, always.

"Thank you Katsuki for loving me." He said.

"I love you more than you can imagine. I can't wait to see you." He giggled again as I smiled.

"I'm waiting to see you Daddy~!" 'I have daddy kinks...I'M GONNA DIE! Why did you do this to me nowwwww!? ' I felt my nose bleed. I held my nose with my hand.

"You know how to tease me baby ha?" I smirked, trying to wipe my nose.

"Hehe, love you. See you soon...Daddy~"

"Can't wait, love." I hung up, cheeks heated.

"BAKUBRO! YOU OKAY? YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING!" Shitty hair ran towards me with others behind him.

"I'm fine SHITTY HAIR!" I couldn't help but to smile. 'I can't wait to go home...'





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