Chapter 17

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Katsuki's pov:

Today, we don't have any trainings. Lucky for my babe~! 'Was I a little bit rough last night? But he made me really jealous so, he really needed a punishment. I left hikeys everywhere on his small and pretty body. I guess he will be mad if he wakes up!' It's still 6:12 am. We have school at 8. We still have time although, I woke up so early. Shoto on the other hand, is sleeping peacefully into my chest. I really love him. I love him more than anything. I can tell that he is happier than the first time that I saw him. I'm happy that he is happy now. If he is happy, I'm happy too!

Time skip...breakfast at Katsuki's home

The old hag made pancakes for us. She also made sushi for our lunch at school. Tsk, I've never seen her like this before. I guess that Shoto is really a life changer. He didn't just changed me, he also had change the old hag too. Also the old man is acting a little bit different too! 'Geeee Shoto, how much I love you~'

"Snap out of your dream world when your dream is sitting right in front of you Katsuki~!" The old hag smacked my head. I groaned before my stare hit Shoto who was giving me a warm smile. I held my face in my hands, trying hard to not blush by his cuteness.

"K-katsuki!? Y-you okay?" Even his voice is like an angel. I could hear the old hag and old man's laughter which made me roll my eyes.

"Why are you so CUTE!?" I whispered when I felt his warm but yes small hand on mine which was on my face.

"You two are the cutes couple EVER!!!! And Katsuki....hahahaha never seen you like this! It makes me laugh even more!!!" She laughed again while she was holding her stomach. 'Seriously!? Is she trying to piss me off??'

"Is it bothering you?" I grabbed his arm and squeezed it but not too hard to hurt his slender arm.

"NOO! YOU'LL NEVER BOTHER ME!" He giggled as he tiled his head.

"Okay then~. Come on Katsuki, we are gonna be late." He said with a smile.

"And I have to carry you there ha~?" He blushed while turning his head away but had a small pout on his face. I smirked and chuckled. 'I like to tease him like this.'

At school...

I carried Shoto all the way to school on my back. To be honest, he is so light for a boy at this age. He is a little mad about last night. He is so adorable when he is mad though. When we arrived at class, only the Bakusquad was there which is great cuz I really didn't want to see anyone else at that moment.

"Kitten, we're here." He didn't respond.

"Bakubro! I guess he is asleep."Shitty hair said with his usual smile. 'Really? Is he really that tired? Well, after all the things that happened last night he should be tired hehe~'

"Awww so cute!!! Let me help you Bakugo!" Raccoon eyes came close to me but I gave her a death glare and growled. 

"Protective boyfriend ha?" Soy sauce placed his hand on Pikachu's shoulder which made him blush. 'Is Pikachu...BLUSHING!!! WTF!?'

"SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS! OF COURSE I'M PROTECTIVE ON MY BABE!" I yelled but  I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder. I looked from the corner of my eyes, seeing my Shoto biting my shoulder with an annoyed look on his pretty face. I chuckled while slowly placing him on his table as he was rubbing his eyes.

"You're so aggrsive Katsuki and bad tampered." He rolled his eyes playfully and crossed his arms. I wrapped my arms around his small waist which made him wince.

"My whole body is sore from last night Daddy~." He whispered in my ear which made me blush. 'He knows how to trigger me~'

So so so sorry for the late update 😣😣


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