Chapter 22

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Katsuki's pov:

I can't believe this...I am the happiest man alive! First, I have the sexiest, prettiest and cutest boyfriend. Second, he is pregnant. I have to look after him 24\7. I won't let him get out of my sight. When the doctor said the word 'pregnant' my word was lit up. I was happy but I didn't know what would Shoto's reaction would be. He was shocked so as I was. Although, both had the same fear. We both thought that we would be mad at each other. Although we judged so quickly. None of us were mad at each other. We both sighed in relief. He even thought I would leave him! I would never do such a thing to the love of my life! Today, we are going to tell out friends the news. I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day.

Time school break time

I was sitting with my squad at the bench in the school yard. Shoto forgot to bring his juice from his bag and went to class again. I told him that I will come with you but he said there is no need. He's been gone only for one minute and I'm freaking out! Is he okay? Has something happened to him? Is that FUCKING DEKU bothering him?! ARGHHH!

-Bakubro! Your boyfriend is coming. Shitty hair elbowed me. I searched the area and saw my babe with his red baggy hoodie. I sighed in relief. Shoto smiled as he ran toward my direction. I held my arms open as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I grabbed his waist and placed him on my lap. He hid his face into my chest. I chuckled and placed a kiss on his head.

-AWWW! YOU TOO ARE SO CUTE! Raccoon eyes squealed.

-Who knew that our Bakugo was so caring! Soy sauce placed his hand around a blushing Pikachu. Oh also, soy sauce and Pikachu are dating. Who thought that Pikachu had a crush on him! To be honest, Shoto and I really ship them. Pikachu is so shy when he is around soy sauce. I never seen him like that before though!

-Well, Shoto and I have something important to tell you. I spoke. Shoto rose his head as his face was a cute shade of red. He kissed my cheek.

-Ohhh what is it!? TELL US! Pikachu said and others nodded their head waiting for me nor Shoto to speak up.

-Shoto is...pregnant. I could feel how embarrassed he got so he hid his pretty face with his tiny hands.

-YOU KIDDING RIGHT!? Shitty hair yelled as he blinked several times. On the other hand, raccoon eyes was on the ground with her nose bleeding.

-Emm how is it possible? Soy sauce asked. I rolled my eyes as I placed my hand on Shoto's. He slowly removed his hand and I could see his flushed face.

-The doctor said it's a miracle. I have to admit, we were shocked too when we heard it.

-So as we. This is a good news Bakugo. Congratulations to you two! Pikachu blushed as soy sauce placed a kiss on his head. They make a cute couple too. Hope they be happy together too.

-Thanks. Hope you two be happy too! Shoto almost whispered as he wrapped his arms around my neck again.

-Thank you Todoroki. Soy sauce said.

-I'm happy for you bro! Shitty hair placed his elbow on my shoulder. I looked at raccoon eyes who was still on the ground.

-Is she alive? I asked.

-With that nosebleed...definitely no! Shitty hair said as we all laughed. Even my little angel was giggling like a kitten.

-How can I be so lucky to have you babe~. I grabbed his head and kissed his soft lips. He kissed back afterwards. He is still shy in the public. How cute...



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